Monday 3 April 2023

You're Much More. Getting The Full Freedom Of Your Personality.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

You're Much More. Getting The Full Freedom Of Your Personality.  

Dear Friend,

I was once watching a television interview of a famous Shakespeare theatre actress by a TV 'personality', and found the contrast between the two of them very interesting.

While the actress came across as full of colour and energy, vibrant and comfortable in her own skin, the TV 'personality', by comparison, seemed stiff and two-dimensional.

Maybe the reason for this was that the actress, in taking on the personalities of the great Shakespeare heroines she had played, had awakened in herself the archetypes of the full richness of human experience.

Whereas the TV 'personality' was just that: no inner introspection and no reaching for something beyond themselves. Simply, confined to a box.

It's easy for any of us to be 'confined to a box' . This is because of the roles and expectations we've been conditioned by and our own ego (self-image).

With your daily kundalini meditation you're being freed of the restrictions of conditionings and ego. And your archetypes - visualised in yoga as the deities on your different chakras - are awakened and being energised.

You're unique and your self-fulfilment will come from giving complete expression to the different parts of yourself. More below.

Also below:  Open the door to a new experience - register for a free yoga or Indian dance course at the Nehru Centre; and, how to make a wish that works out through your meditation.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 6th April  - Full Moon (Early to bed); Sun. 9th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming difficulty).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Healthy body; healthy mind. Get fit and meet people at the 8-week free yoga and dance courses provided by the Indian High Commission at it's cultural venue in Mayfair. There are limited places and it's on a first come first served basis. These courses have not yet been advertised on their events calendar, so you have the advantage of early notice. Click to register... 
Make A Wish - How To Think With Your Heart To Get What You Want.
It's your birthday. Make a wish and blow out the candle. OK, so it's not your birthday. But that shouldn't stop you making wishes. We thrive on the joy of the unexpected. That's what your daily meditation is good for. Your kundalini awakens a spark in your heart that can ignite at your Sahasrara chakra. And what was difficult becomes easy; what was not possible becomes possible. Here's how to think with your heart in meditation...
Deities Awake - Getting The Full Freedom Of Your Personality.
The magic of your experience with Sahaja yoga meditation, will come not only from the unique state of 'nirvichara samadhi' (thoughtless awareness) but also from your kundalini  awakening the potentialities ('deities') on your different chakras. Then it's as if you have many supporters and cheer leaders, all of whom look like you. How much stronger that makes you. Here's more about your deities...
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Quote of the Week

" If you try to suppress your ego, it will sit on your head. If you try to suppress your super-ego [conditionings], it will never help you.
But here automatically it happens. By awakening these deities [archetypes] within yourself these things are sucked in. Kundalini awakens and does it.

July 10th 1982, Guildhall Theatre, Derby (England).

"I was at work typing away at my screen when I suddenly felt the coolness on my head and on my palms that I get when I meditate. What was that?"
In Reply:

Your kundalini responds to the space you're in and the people surrounding you.

When you're in a place or with people where there's positivity, she gives that nurturing reaction of cool vibes that you felt.

Otherwise, you may not feel anything in particular. 

If there's any real negativity, you may feel it as a mild heat.

In this way you develop a 6th sense for what's cool (good for you) and what's not (hot).
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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