Monday 10 April 2023

Don't Doubt Yourself. Here's How You Grow Out of It.


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Don't Doubt Yourself. Here's How You Grow Out of It.

Dear Friend,

Self-doubt can be self-fulfilling and prevent you from doing so much more.

Do you remember when you first learnt how to swim?

So there you were in the pool with your arms and legs splashing and trying to keep your head above the water. But despite your best attempts at the 'doggie paddle' you still felt your body sinking under it's own weight into the water.

With every attempt at the doggie paddle, every time you began doubting your ability to stay afloat you began to sink.

Then you started watching other swimmers and kind of forgot about the doggie paddle, and very soon you found yourself swimming too.

What had changed?

Same body; same weight, but with a buoyancy enabled by the mind free of doubt.

Getting to the state of 'thoughtless awareness' (nirvichar samadhi) can be like that. But once you touch it you know what it feels like and it becomes easier and easier.

When you develop this ability to pause your thinking whenever you want, then you have control over the waves of doubt.

Then your reward is being able to see the potential and possibilities with everything that seemed closed off to you. More below.

Also below: You need to visit (ancient) Greece if you haven't been there before; and, being kind to yourself with the help of your Agnya chakra.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 12th April - Saptami  (Lucky 7th. Things work out); Fri. 14th - Navami (You're protected. Be bold) ; Sun. 16th - Varuthini Ekadashi (Conquering force).  

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In the ancient texts of India, Greece was called 'Manipur Dweepa' - dweepa means Island and manipur is the Nabhi chakra. So Greece represents the Nabhi chakra of the world. Athens is named after Goddess Athena  - Atha in Sanskrit means primordial. So Athena was an incarnation of the Primordial Mother. Go sit at the vortex  of the Nabhi at the Delphi Omphalos and perhaps get transformed. There's also these 9 amazing other places to see... 
New Dawn - The Freedom You Get From Letting Go of Past Hurt.
Sometimes we chain ourselves to the past by mentally revisiting, over and over again, a bad experience that we may have had with somebody. That's like hurting twice - once from that person and the second time from ourselves doing all that revisiting. Break the chain and set yourself free by using this short meditation on your Agnya chakra...
Sure-footed  - Overcoming Your Doubts.
One of the best moments to get to with your practice of Sahaja yoga, is when you begin to notice the effects in your own day-to-day life of things you had no hope for going fantastically well. And then you get another experience of it, and then another . So soon you have no doubt and become much more sure-footed about everything you want to do. Here's why it's described as a 'beautiful chain' of happenings...
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Quote of the Week

" Close your eyes; go deep into yourself. This is your own depth; it is your own beauty. This is your Self  manifesting. Just enjoy your Self. Allow it to work out. Don't doubt it - don't doubt yourself.
After Realization, you really become the master of yourself and you can mould your life as you like. You can also feel the cool breeze coming out of your head, from the fontanel. This is your [real] baptism."

June 18th 1981, Hampstead Friends Meeting House, London (England).

"I have two job offers from two good companies to work for but can't make up my mind as to which to choose. Any advice?"
In Reply:

You could score both companies for salary, perks, the people, career advancement opportunity, the commute - weighting these according to their relative importance to you. Then total the scores for each company and choose the one that scores higher.

Then check the vibes you get from each company in meditation to see whether the higher scoring company has the cooler vibes.

The cooler the vibes you feel on your hands from anything the better it is.

If it's the lower scoring company you get cooler vibes from then trust yourself; go with that company.

The vibes don't lie. It's cooler for a reason that you're not currently aware of but will probably discover further down the line. 
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