Monday 17 April 2023

Love What You Do. The Importance of Self-Expression.


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Love What You Do. The Importance of Self-Expression.

Dear Friend,

On Puravi Joshi's Instagram you'll find a re-post of the following famous quote by the Avatar actress, Zoe Saldana:

"That's my biggest achievement in life. I know who I am. I love who I am. I like what I do. And I like how I do it. And  I like my mistakes. And I like the way I learn. And I like the pace with which I learn my mistakes. I don't want to be anyone else. But me."

Puravi was doing the daily grind in a high-paying but health-destroying  job in Banking and decided to quit and re-train as a yoga and meditation teacher . She's reached a place now where that Zoe Saladana quote is very relatable.

She's not the only one  to have quit a job in search of self-expression better aligned to her spirit.

The collective trauma of the pandemic led many people to re-focus on what was really important for them. Ultimately, it's what gives joy to your spirit. That's the real 'Self' (spirit /atma) - expression.

But no need to quit your job. Your daily kundalini meditation can get you to the same place. 

When this puts you in better tune with your spirit then you become much more creative in any direction, which makes you love what you do. Like Zoe Saldana. More below.

Also below: Circle 22nd April in your diary. On the Indian lunar calendar it's called 'Akshaya Tritiya' which means 'indestructible' or 'undiminishing' and for this reason they set it as a marriage date and buy gold; also, how to look after and increase the flow of your creative inspiration by meditating on your swadisthana chakra.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 18th April - Shivaratri (Look for inner depth as an antidote to the superficial); Wed. 19th - New Moon (New beginnings); Sat. 22nd - Akshaya Tritiya ('indestructible 3rd day of moon' - if you want something to last, do it today); Sun. 23rd April - Vinayaka Chaturthi (auspicious 4th - overcoming difficulty).

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Indian housewives own 11% of the worlds gold. It symbolises Luck and the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi (Energy of your Nabhi chakra) . On Akashaya Tritiya  when gold is traditionally bought, the price is likely to go up. It's already high due to people using  gold to protect the value of their savings when money is losing value because of inflation . If you buy now you can reap the benefit of the jump in price or just keep Lakshmi in your house . If you've never bought gold before, here's probably the easiest way to do it now online with a few clicks...
Artists Vs. AI : How To Stay Truly Creative.
If you're an artist or produce any sort of imagery as part of your livelihood, then AI may be taking over your talent and making it available to anyone who knows how to type a sentence on a keyboard. Shutterstock AI Image generation will produce any image imaginable from just a few text prompts. This could be bad news for creatives. Resist.  Nurture your talent by regular use of  this short meditation on your swadisthana chakra...
Love What You Do - Why It's The Only Way To Make Things Last .
There are so many things which are 'here-today-gone-tomorrow' : people, businesses, ideas/fads. The passage of time swallows everything. If you want something to last then whatever you create let it be true to your spirit and come from a place of  love. Time is a destroyer and here's why only Love remains...
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Quote of the Week

"  And as love will increase, your creativity will develop. So the basis of all creativity of Saraswati [energy of your swadisthana chakra, which is your source of creativity] is love. If there is no love there is no creativity.."

January 14th 1983, Dhule (India).

"A friend of mine is going through a difficult time at the moment and has been using alcohol as a way to cope. But I'm afraid they are turning themselves into an alcoholic. How can I help them?"
In Reply:

They may not think that they have an issue with alcohol, so if you genuinely feel that their alcohol intake has turned into an addiction, then the first step is to help them recognise this.

Once they have recognised this, then point them in the direction of an AA (alcoholics anonymous) meeting - Find nearest meeting here. 

For your further information see: Kundalini awakening cures drug addiction and alcoholism.

So if your friend is open to the idea of Sahaja yoga and is the kind of person who would stick with the meditation practice long enough to see the positive change, then they can take a look at We Meditate Global to find an online or in-person Sahaja yoga meditation session that would be convenient for them.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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