Monday 27 March 2023

Carriers of Paradise. Why It Ain't About The Money.


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Carriers of Paradise. Why It Ain't About The Money.

Dear Friend,

The late British comedian, Spike Milligan, said that when he was struggling with his finances, he would pray to God : " Dear God, I know money doesn't buy happiness but I would like to try and see for myself."

Which is a predicament anybody can be in with money - when you don't have enough of it, it seems like the solution to all of your problems.

But in our heart we probably know this is not true because in a survey, The Top 8 Things People Desperately Desire But Can't Seem To Attain, it wasn't just about the money.

The list of wants included:
  • Freedom
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Fulfilment
All the things, in fact, that sit at the top of that famous diagram that your HR department may have wheeled out before in one of their presentations - Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs.

These are the Self-Actualisation / Self-Realisation needs; the need to fulfil your human potential.

As you daily express this aspiration with your kundalini meditation, there's a massive payback through a trickle down effect.

When your kundalini opens out your Sahasrara chakra at the crown of your head, a grace (vibes) flood in and flow down into your chakras.

When this happens repeatedly your chakras are nourished and project into every part of your lived experience, including your material relationship with money (Nabhi chakra).

Then a kind of a feeling of living in Utopia develops; a feeling of self-fulfilment. Scale that up over a large number of people and you are a carrier of that paradise for all that's been predicted. More below.

Also below: Why eating chickpeas is good for you; and, looking after your gut for your greater happiness.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 28th March - Saptami (Lucky 7th. Go for it!); Wed. 29th - Durgashtami (Day of Victory); Thurs. 30th - Navami (You're protected); Sat. 1st April - Kamada Ekadashi ( Getting what you want by getting rid of what you don't want).

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Regularly eating chana (roasted chickpeas) gives you a good Ganesh tattva, which is the principle of innocence that powers your mooladhara chakra. A good mooladhara gives health to the prostate gland, womb, reproductive and excretory organs. Eating chana also improves the skin and hair, plus these other health benefits...
Happy Gut, Happy Mind - How To Thrive With This Meditation On Your Nabhi Chakra.
Happiness really is in your stomach. The state of the gut microbiome has been discovered to have an effect on mental health and has has been implicated in stress and depression. So one way to thrive mentally is to look after your gut. You can do this with the right diet and also by meditating on your Nabhi chakra starting with this...
Why It Ain't About The Money, Buddy.
It's well-known in Economics that economic wants are not satiable in general. Things only provide temporary relief. Get a better car or a better house and it won't be long before you're looking to upgrade. And so the cycle goes on. Climbing a ladder that leads no where. The Bhagavad Gita says: 'Yoga Kshema Vahamyaham'  (get yoga and everything else is included); explained here in 2 minutes by Shri Mataji...
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Quote of the Week

"What do human beings seek? They seek peace and joy. They are not [really] seeking money. They are seeking money just to get peace and joy.
[But] Peace and joy are obtained on the support of dharma.
And the dharma is not one of outside but one of inside [in the stomach]."

December 22nd 1973, Nagpur (India).

"What can I do about my quick temper and irritation. This is happening at home and at work. All someone has to do to trigger me is to make any remark about anything I'm doing and I take it as a criticism and  immediately go on the defensive?"
In Reply:

It's likely due to a 'hot liver' . The hot liver may be diet-related eg. excessive coffee  or red meat; or it may be constitution (body-type) - related ie. Pitta (fire) in Ayurveda or  'right-sided'  in Sahaja Yoga.

Two remedies for 'hot liver' are:
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