Monday 6 March 2023

The Magic of Your Smile. Why Your Vishuddhi Is so Important.


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The Magic of Your Smile. Why Your Vishuddhi Is so Important.

Dear Friend,

You probably already know this, but smiling regularly makes you happier.

This is because when you smile your brain releases mood-enhancing happy chemicals that include endorphins, which is a pain-reliever, and serotonin, which is an anti-depressant.

Typically, since you're smiling at somebody, they will tend to smile back at you and it makes them happier as well.

So from just a small exercise of the facial muscles what a lot of goodwill can be passed on.

Out of all the cultures of the world, Americans are said to smile the most. That doesn't necessarily mean that they are the happiest nation on earth but, according to Sahaja yoga, America represents the Vishuddhi chakra of the world.

Within you it's the Vishuddhi chakra (cervical plexus) that controls the muscles of the face, your eyes, lips and mouth, which all work together to put that smile on your face.

It kind of makes sense then that the place where the most smiling is going on is in the land of the Vishuddhi chakra - America.

And from all that smiling has come Hollywood, international diplomacy and global corporations, (and dentists). Anything, in fact, that involves people coming together to achieve something.

So when you're meditating on your inner America (your Vishuddhi chakra), you're capable of so much more than you can imagine. More below.

Also below: The power of your hands to make you a better person; and also, how to speak freely in public.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 7th March - Purnima (Full Moon ); Sat. 11th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming difficulty).

Photo Credit : Cathedral of the Hands By Auguste Rodin - Museo Soumaya, Public Domain,

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Your hands are an extension of your personality and you should look after them. If you don't feel vibes on them very well, you can massage them with olive oil and also do the exercise here for clearing your Vishuddhi chakra which connect with the hands. Your hands help you with gestures to communicate (Italy); they can heal you with hand yoga (mudra) and best of all they can 'speak' to you when the vibes are flowing through them with meditation.
Conquering Your Fear Of Speaking In Public.
You know the feeling. The mic is being passed to you and it's your turn to tell the room of expectant faces a bit about yourself and what you hope to gain from your attendance at the conference today.  Your palms start to sweat; your heart is thumping and suddenly you've got brain fog. Conquer your fear of public speaking with this short meditation on your Vishuddhi  chakra. If used regularly it might give you the gift of eloquence in any situation.  
New York, New York - Why Your Vishuddhi Is so Important.
America is the world's Vishuddhi and New York represents a concentration of some of the dynamism of the Vishuddhi. Within you that dynamism can be expressed in your ability to communicate and your interpersonal relationships. With regular meditation your Vishuddhi makes you 'Sakshi-swarupa'. This means that you have the power of changing a situation simply by 'witnessing' it, as described by Shri Mataji here...
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Quote of the Week

"[Your] Vishuddhi Chakra is constructed or made with sixteen petals. Similarly [there are] sixteen sub plexuses in your cervical plexus.  [Your] ears, nose, throat, muscles of your mouth, the outside part of your eyes are all governed and taken care of by this chakra.."

January 31st 1978, New Delhi (India).

"Would you recommend Manifesting as a practice?  [This is where you can supposedly attract the things you want into your life by focusing on them]"
In Reply:

Do what works for you.

However, when you start experiencing the physical, emotional and material wellbeing that comes with your daily practice of the meditation, you may decide that a 'top-up' with a manifesting practice is not required.
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