Monday 13 March 2023

It's Written In Your Stars. How To Ride The Change That's Coming.


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It's Written In Your Stars. How To Ride The Change That's Coming.

Dear Friend,

A mate of mine often sends me WhatsApp links to long YouTube videos which I simply don't have the time to watch.

It's not only the time element ; it's also the subject of the videos: astrology, which I normally don't pay much attention to.

But recently, out of curiosity, I've listened to snippets of these videos and been surprised by the astrological insights into the changes that are coming. For you, for me and for everybody else.

The reason it's surprising is because it's a confirmation through just the placement of the planets in the sky, of what Sahaja Yoga is all about. Namely, the collective transformation of human beings.

A key upcoming date to watch out for according to astrology is March 23rd in a few weeks time.

That is the date when the planet Pluto (representing renewal, transformation and evolution) enters Aquarius (freedom, humanity, collective consciousness). 

We're  already in the Age of Aquarius according to astrologers so Pluto in Aquarius may be the first milestone on the journey to it's full blossoming.

What March 23rd might mean for you personally is given here. And the best thing to be doing for yourself at this time? See below. 

Also below: Sleep better with sitar music; and, harmonising yourself with Anjali mudra.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 14th March - Saptami (Lucky 7th for you); Thurs. 16th - Navami (You're protected. Be bold!) ; Sat. 18th - Ekadashi ( Overcoming past error and prospering).

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Can't sleep at night because thoughts keep chasing themselves around in your head? Then listening to this sitar piece by Anoushkar Shankar as you're lying in bed could just be the ticket you need to dreamland. The chakra the sitar corresponds to is the Sahasrara. So keeping your attention on top of your head while you drift off could lead to the mystic sleep called 'yoga nidra'...
Anjali Mudra - Balancing Your Inner & Outer Worlds.
Your left and right hands represent your moon and sun sides; your emotional and mental ; your mum and your dad's influence; and, in a ceratin way, your inner life and your outward expression. So when you press your left and right palms together and hold in front of your heart (in Anjali mudra), you're bringing about a balance and harmonisation in these two facets of yourself.  Try it now along with this meditation that goes with it...
Age of Aquarius - How To Ride The Change That's Coming.
Thanks to her cultural heritage, India has the deepest concentration in the world of people with their kundalinis awakened. How that will translate for everybody else is yet to be seen. However, why wait? Here's all the incentive you need to run and embrace the change that's coming anyway, right now...
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Quote of the Week

"Aquarius, according to [Indian] astrology, is the Kundalini. 

They say that this Age of Aquarius is very important, because this will change the lives of people. [The world]  was in  Kali Yuga [Age of Confusion /Destruction] - meaning the worst possible times. That ends. Then comes [overlapping] Kruta Yuga [ Redemption / Transformation]. In Kruta Yuga, this all-pervading power ( 'Paramchaitanya') becomes active. It starts helping people to come along [spontaneous, en masse kundalini awakening]

After this, is Satya Yuga - meaning the Age of Truth [Age of Aquarius]."
-Press Conference Q&A, London Television Centre.

July 8th 1999, London (UK).

"I just can't stop thinking. My mind always seems to be busy with something. I do so much self-talk that it's tiring. Any suggestions? "
In Reply:

Over-thinking is caused by a tight Agnya chakra and over-active liver. Here's what you can do.

1. Cut down on coffee if you drink a lot . Caffeine over-stimulates your liver : hot liver; hot head.

2. Use an ice-pack on your liver to help cool it down when you meditate.

3. Try the liver diet for a week to give it a rest from foods that tend to over-stimulate the liver.

4.  If you read a lot then relax your eye muscles intermittently by looking out of a window at distant objects. This relaxation helps your Agnya chakra.

5. When sitting for meditation, spend a few minutes at the beginning to just watch Agnya chakra on the meditation photo (red dot on centre of forehead). Surprisingly, you may find your own Agnya chakra clearing as a result.

6. Rub a little sandalwood oil on your Agnya before bed-time and see how you feel the next morning.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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