Monday 20 March 2023

Bandhamukta - Freeing Yourself. How To Stop Living Inside Your Head.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Bandhamukta - Freeing Yourself. How To Stop Living Inside Your Head.

Dear Friend,

I've got two word definitions for you today. One word describes something you may want less of; and the other, something you'll definitely want more of.

The first word is 'Recividism'. It's a term used in the justice system to refer to the tendency for someone released from jail to end up back in the slammer within a short period.

The second word, in Sanskrit, is 'Bandhamukta'. This word is made of 2 parts : 'Bandha' meaning  'a lock' and 'mukta' which means 'freedom' . So Bandhamukta means being free of locks or jail-breaking yourself.

The 'Jail' being referred to with both words, is the jail we each create for ourselves with our thinking habits. It's the tendency to run a movie inside our head which doesn't correspond to Reality.

This is partly responsible for the ups and downs we experience in life.

With your daily meditation, your kundalini is jail-breaking you to make you bandhamukta.

At the same time, due to force of mental habit, there's a backsliding or recidivism continuously taking place as you go about your busy day.

The result is that though the prison gates have been thrown wide open (kundalini awakening), a person may remain sitting hunched in the corner of their prison cell because of the false comfort of what is familiar to them.

Resist the temptation to remain as you are. Don't live inside your head all the time. More below. 

Also below: Using a candle flame to help you with eye-care; and, how not to let your past hold you back.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 20th March - Shivaratri (Focus on your essence and get free of the superficial.); Tue. 21st  - New Moon (New beginnings); Wed. 22nd - Gudi Padwa (Love thy neighbour); Thurs. 23rd  - Pluto Enters Aquarius (What it may mean for you).

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Trataka is the yogic technique of steadily gazing at a focal point through a candle flame without blinking until the eyes water. It's recommended as a way of improving concentration and eye-sight . It also, crucially, clears your back agnya chakra which can be a store of negative thinking and dwelling too much on the past.  Here's a demo of how it's done...
Your Past Is Another Country - Clearing Left Channel (Emotions).
You may sometimes wonder where all your yesterdays have gone. They may seem as distant as another country. The answer is that they are stored in your subconscious as memories. It's this which colours your impulses and emotions -  which are expressions of your left channel ('ida nadi'). Don't be trapped by your past, though. Here's a short guided meditation with affirmations to set yourself  free...
How To Stop Living Inside Your Head.
When your kundalini rises she takes you out of your head and connects you to the benevolent, self-organising principle of Nature ('paramachaitanya'). When that connection is sustained with daily meditation, then you get the experience of being supported, looked after and protected. But because of the persistence of the ego and conditionings the connection, like a poor wi-fi internet, keeps shutting down. Here's how to get out of the trap of your mind... 
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Quote of the Week

"[With group kundalini meditation], you compensate each other, complement each other, and a subtler side of the cosmos starts manifesting in you.
Your different kind of conditionings which are like shackles, binding you down, just open out and you become a free person – 'bandhamukta'. With that force everything breaks: your ego breaks, your conditioning breaks and you become one with the joy of life."

January 5th 1988, Ganapatipule (India).

"I know that it's sufficient to just sit for 10 -15minutes of meditation a day but I usually find myself sitting for a lot longer than that. Is longer better?"
In Reply:

It's not the length of time you sit for  meditation but rather the extent to which you experience your state of mental silence - thoughtless awareness.

If you can get into it in 5 minutes and sustain it for another 5 minutes, then that's better than sitting there for 20 minutes with your mindful.

The other measures of success are : 
  • How strongly you feel the vibes on your hands and at the top of your head.
  • How 'lifted up' you feel emotionally and mentally.
  • How your day 'flows' as a result of your meditation. Your meditation should have a noticeable effect on everything that's going on with you. The benefits 'seep' into everything : work/money, home, relationships.

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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