Monday 27 February 2023

Fontanel of Youth & Longevity. How Nature Renews You Constantly (or Can Do).


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Fontanel of Youth & Longevity. How Nature Renews You Constantly (or Can Do).

Dear Friend,

The oldest recorded person to have ever lived was a French woman named, Jeanne Calment, who reached the age of 122 years and 168 days. One of the images of her on a google search shows her puffing away on a cigarette.

Clearly science doesn't know everything about ageing and longevity. Maybe it was her genes.

So if you've inherited genes for longevity from your parents you can probably run a lap of honour. And if you haven't you can also run a lap of honour. But for a different reason.

According to a leading authority on the science of ageing , Professor Rose Ann Kenny, in her bestselling recent book, Age Proof, exercise has a huge part to play in your health and longevity.

But still, science doesn't know everything.

The wiki page of one Sri Chand says he was born on 8th September 1494 and died (or, according to reports, simply disappeared) on 13th January 1629. That would put his age at about 133 years. But that's not the remarkable thing.

The remarkable thing is that, again, according to reports, he had the appearance of a youth when he disappeared. 

And what was his secret?

He was a siddha - a perfected kundalini yogi.

So every time you sit and meditate, you may well be adding to your store of youthful ageing; as well as adding to the collective human gene pool for longevity. More below.

Also below: Eat yourself better - an Ayurvedic route for managing difficult to treat health issues arising from chronic inflammation; also, counting your way to mental silence to combat distraction.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 27th Feb - Durgashtami (Set an intention. It will work); Tue. 28th - Navami (You're protected. Go for it!); Thurs 2nd March - Ekadashi (Creative destruction. Renew yourself by getting rid of something).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Ayurvedic Remedy - How To Manage Aggravated Pitta Dosha (Chronic Inflammation).
Heartburn / acid reflux, joint pain, eczema, digestion and auto-immune health issues, are just some of the conditions which, according to Ayurveda, can result from aggravated pitta dosha (imbalance of the right channel in Sahaja yoga). If you recognise any of the symptoms, then here's a list of the best things to eat and those to avoid, in order to manage the condition...
Press Pause - 21 Count  to Mental Silence (A Guided Meditation).
Beat the distraction for a minute by pressing pause on your thinking. It's sometimes advised to count to 10 to avoid reacting to a provocation. Surprisingly, it does work. Here's using the same technique to arrive at a state of mental silence; except that I do the counting for you ...silently.
How Nature Renews You Constantly.
The body's largest organ is the skin, so the effect of the human ageing process is visible there  - especially the face. With kundalini awakening, a meta-process kicks in which has a 'rasayana' effect (anti-ageing). The result is that the visible effect of your daily kundalini meditation is on your face.
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Quote of the Week

"When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara and opens your fontanel and [vibes] start flowing through you, then ..these vibes gradually start breaking into their subtler form [of the 5 elements -tanmatras].

The subtle of the light element is 'tej', which gives radiance to your face. And the subtle of the water element is [emollience] which softens your skin."

December 16th 1998, New Delhi (India).

"I had a deep experience when I first came to the meditation session and could really feel the cool on my hands and on my head. Since then I've been trying to meditate at home but the pleasant sensation seems to have worn off. Does it mean my kundalini has gone back to sleep?"
In Reply:

No, your kundalini has not gone back to sleep. Here are three suggestions for getting your mojo back:
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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