Monday 6 February 2023

Importance of Getting Yourself Together. When Your Heart Says Yes & Brain Says No.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Importance of Getting Yourself Together. When Your Heart Says Yes & Brain Says No.

Dear Friend,

Do you ever feel like a square peg in a round hole? The dictionary definition of this is : "a person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character".

Or, how about feeling conflicted when faced with making an important decision  that involves several options?

If you have, then these are both symptoms of the internal conflict between the head and the heart which we can all sometimes experience.

Your kundalini fixes this.

In her deep and gentle working every time you meditate she integrates 3 things within you:
  • your powers of focus (liver)
  • what you truly want (heart)
  • your ability to achieve them (brain)
This gives you an increased dynamism which shows it's benefits in every area of your life. More below.

Also below : Take advantage of free yoga and Indian dance classes at the Nehru Centre; and, give yourself a boost in confidence with this meditation on your heart.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 9th Feb. - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming difficulty and obstacles); Sun. 12th - Bhanu Saptami ( Lucky 7th - Go for it!). 

Image Credit: Bharatantyam dancer - Wikimedia Commons Licence

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Free Yoga, Bharatanatyam & Kathak Dance Classes @ The Nehru Centre: Feb 04 - Mar 26. 
If you're interested in movement - both rhythmic and meditative - and want to learn it at source without travelling to India, then head over to the Nehru Centre, which is the cultural wing of the Indian High Commission, in Mayfair. These weekend classes are likely to be very popular and there are limited places so contact them ASAP on : 
Smiling Confidence - More Power To Your Heart Chakra.
Confidence, security and courage are the qualities of the heart chakra and when the lotus of your heart regularly opens out, you notice how these qualities express better in your personality. Here's a short guided meditation to help open your heart's lotus and put a confident smile on your face...
Achieving Your Dynamism Through Self-Integration. 
Being focused can get you far. It also means being present in the moment. Mindful. Your kundalini connection not only gives you a self-integrated personality by uniting head, heart and attention, but she also anchors your attention in the now. With that there is a new dynamism that kicks in, like this...
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Quote of the Week

 " make your brains understand the importance of your Self, of your being, of your purpose, of your meaning, is difficult - because it is not integrated.
But the Kundalini has the beauty to strengthen your heart, to strengthen your brain, to strengthen your liver, to strengthen all your being, and to integrate it, but She must be given a chance. If you don't give Her a chance, you are not fair to yourself.."

April 19th 1982, Caxton Hall, London (England).

"I'm struggling to sit in meditation. I keep wanting to mindlessly scroll on my phone instead. Is there anything I can do to help this?"
In Reply:

Your not alone. We're all at it to a greater or lesser degree. Here are 3 suggestions to deal with phone addiction that you might want to choose from:

1. Download a 'digital detox' app to restrict your usage when you want. Check out these apps : FreedomYour HourQuality TimeOff the Grid

2. Switch your phone off and leave it in another room when you want some phone-free time.

3. Buy a burner 2G/3G  phone just to make and receive calls on. Save your other phone for when you go out.

With collective phone addiction comes collective attention deficit. Apparently, the human attention span has been whittled down to 8.25 second by the attention economy we live in. A goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds.

When you meditate it's a form of resistance to the attention economy because you're making a conscious decision to reclaim your attention span - which has benefits for your creativity, ability to focus and mental wellbeing.  Meditation is attention training*

Also you should use a footspa and ice-pack treatment to look after your liver - the seat of your attention. 

*Even short-term Sahaja yoga meditation enhances Brain regions that control attention, self-control and self-awareness (US National Institute of Health website) 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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