Monday 20 February 2023

Heart Over Matter. How To Change Things You Have No Control Over.


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Heart Over Matter. How To Change Things You Have No Control Over.

Dear Friend,

In January 1896, British troops occupied the tribal land of the Ashantis. This was to persuade them, by threat of force, to surrender themselves and be absorbed into British colonial rule of the then Gold Coast (modern-day Ghana).

The proud Ashantis were having none of it and so staged a rebellion. In the ensuing violence, the Ashanti King and his deputies were captured and deported to Seychelles a small island off the coast of Ghana.

The Governor of the Gold Coast at the time, Sir Frederick Hodgson, then travelled to Kumasi, the capital of Ashanti , to assert his dominion in a speech given to the remaining leaders of Ashanti.

In his speech he demanded that the heart and spiritual symbol of the Ashanti nation, the Golden Stool, which was said to have been conjured from heaven by a magical shaman , Akomfo Anokye, be brought to him or else.

With the Ashanti leaders left in a stew as to what to do: whether to give up their heart, the Golden Stool, or fight and face deportation themselves, a lone woman, Yaa Asantewaa, spoke up to fire up defiance.

Her taunt of the men present was (roughly translated): " If you guys are afraid to fight then you can wear my panties and I'll wear your loin-cloth and I'll go and fight" ("Montu mo danta mma me na monnye me tam").

Yaa Asantewaa led the battle in what became known as the Yaa Asantewaa War of Independence.

She was eventually captured and exiled to Seychelles where she died October 17th 1921. The Ashanti nation became semi-attached to the Gold Coast colonial administration but it was the beginning of the end .

In 1957 the Gold Coast threw off the yoke of colonial rule, renaming herself, Ghana, and  becoming the first African country to gain independence.

Frederick Hodgson never did get his hands on the Golden Stool.

Times are different and challenges may seem much less dramatic but there's an essential courage and determination that the Kundalini gives to your heart  with daily meditation, that allows you to change the things you have no control over.  More below.

Also below: Read a sample from Kate Mosse's book which includes Yaa Asantewaa; and a guided meditation for bringing peace at home by putting peace into your stomach.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 23rd Feb. - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Overcoming obstacles easily); Sun. 26th - Saptami (Lucky 7th - setting yourself up for success). 

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Unsung Heroines - Click to Read Sample of Kate  Mosse's New Book . 
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How To Change Things You Have No Control Over.
Have you ever pressed the TV remote control to change a channel and nothing happens because the battery is flat?  At that point there's absolutely no connection between the thing you're holding in your hand and the TV. When you're wishing for change in circumstances over which you have zero control , this is what it can feel like. So put a battery in it. Meditate. Here's how you get a better battery...
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Quote of the Week

"Just you desire. You just try to develop your desire power and just desire. You desire something - it will work out. I mean, I work like that and you should learn this trick - how to desire. But desire should be pure desire, then Kundalini works it out."

January 6th 1990, Ganapatipule (India).

"Why is the awakening of the kundalini a central part of Sahaja yoga meditation if the practice of any form of mindfulness (without the need for kundalini awakening) has been shown to have benefits?"
In Reply:

The benefits from mindfulness proves the importance of Sahaja yoga.

This is because it's a Law of Nature* that if something is so demonstrably beneficial to the species then it should be as effortless as breathing and happen en masse.

Kundalini awakening makes mindfulness ( 'anchoring yourself in the present moment') effortless and en masse.

*Evolutionary Adaptation  - Future Survival of Humanity
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