Monday 30 January 2023

How To Spend It. The Wealth You Never Knew You Had.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Spend It. The Wealth You Never Knew You Had.

Dear Friend,

It's in human nature that the things got very easily are not really valued.

This applies as much to Sahaja yoga as it does to many other things. Here's an example.

Many years ago, with the influx into America of yet another bearded and be-robed holy man from India, after another one, a market in guru-shopping developed.

The result was that these recent exports from India to the US amassed a lot of followers; monetised them in one way or another - an expensive course here, a pay-to-play mantra there - and, in  so doing, not only became minor celebrities but also acquired the trappings of wealth. 

It was during this time that Shri Mataji was on a trip to America with her husband, who was the secretary-general of the United Nations Maritime organisation. 

An opportunity arose for a TV spot about Sahaja yoga. When the producers met Shri Mataji to discuss it, however, they were deflated to learn on asking, that Shri Mataji owned not even one Rolls Royce as a trophy of success in selling spirituality. The program got canned.

'Free' doesn't sell well in America. What is got very easily is not really valued.

But the mark of value of anything is that it makes you richer in some way. Sahaja yoga does this in abundance. You have to begin to spend your new-found wealth in order to discover this. More below.

Also below: a simple ayurvedic treatment you can do as part of your health regime; and, keeping your balance gets you further - a guided meditation to help you do just that. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 1st Feb. - Jaya Ekadashi (You can win - victory through getting rid of something). Sun 5th - Full Moon. 

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Benefits of 2 Drops of Ghee In Your Nose Before Bedtime - Ayurveda Nyasa Treatment. 
Your nose is the first line of defence against infection from air-borne allergens. Much of this protective filtering relies on your sinuses being in good condition . Cold weather and spending time in air-conditioned environments dries out the sinuses and makes them less able to do their job. This means that you're much more open to infection. 2 drops of ghee in the nose helps lubricate the sinuses and strengthens your hamsa chakra (discriminatory awareness). 
Santulan - Achieving Your Poise & Balance (A Guided Meditation).
Developing your balance (Sanskrit - 'santulan') will not only help you stay cool under pressure but will also help you plot the easiest path through any challenges you may face. The balance comes about when your rising kundalini brings about the equilibrium of your power of desire (left channel) and your power of action (right channel). See what you feel with this guided meditation.
Money In Hand - How To Spend Your Vibes. 
With the wealth flowing through your hands in the form of vibes - cultivated through your daily kundalini meditation- try experimenting with it. For example, you can raise another person's kundalini; you can vibrate the water you drink to give it curative properties; you can use it as a guide to help you make better decisions; you can diagnose and heal yourself when you are not feeling well; and so on. Here's what the vibes are... 
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Quote of the Week

 "... if you do not spend it [ie. the vibes that begin to flow through you with daily meditation] how will you know what is the value of that? But once you start using it, then you will see [the] tremendous powers you have got..."

January 23rd 1976, New Delhi (India).

"My sister is going through a tough time emotionally at the moment and I'd like to help her but don't know really what to do. Grateful for any Sahaja suggestions."
In Reply:

When you're with her, and if she's open to the idea, raise her kundalini.

Raising another person's kundalini may sound like a big deal but it's not. It's as simple as one lit candle (you) lighting another one (your sister).

All you have to do is firstly raise your own kundalini.  Then keeping your attention at the top of your head, slowly draw your right hand up the middle of her back starting from the base of the spine to the top of her head.

Do this a few times and then hold your right palm a few inches above her head to check for a cool breeze sensation. Keep trying until you can feel it.

Then get your sister to check for herself . Now you can both sit still together for about 5 minutes with eyes closed and focused on sensation above the head in meditation - your kundalini acting as support for hers.

Typically what happens when the kundalini rises in a person is that it takes the mind off of things and centres you. When you're centred, you're pulled out of the left channel, which is the emotional side*.

Whenever you get a chance spend some time with her in this way until she begins to feel better.

*Effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation on depression and anxiety - Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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