Monday 13 February 2023

Hidden In Plain Sight. Using Everyday Zen To Get What You Want.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Hidden In Plain Sight. Using Everyday Zen To Get What You Want. 

Dear Friend,

If you saw Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All At Once that touches on  parallel universes, multiple versions of ourselves and being present in the moment, what did you think? 

The arc of the movie takes Michelle Yeoh's character on a journey similar to the one that you and I and everyone else makes on a daily basis.

This involves the things you have to deal with, whether it's with your work, your family and friends, or the thousand other things that take up your time and attention. And sometimes don't go well.

When you're at a point where something is not going well, pause for a moment.

Just pause for a moment in the middle of it all. Don't think. This in Sahaja yoga is called 'Nirvicharita' (Zen). In that state things resolve themselves. It's as if the solution was there all the time but simply hidden in plain sight.

It could be a parallel universe or another version of yourself.

With practice you get better. Then, as happened to Michelle Yeoh's character, a happy outcome is assured with many things. More below.

Also below: creating positive vibes in your living space; and, a guided meditation for increasing your personal power.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 14th Feb. - Navami (Lucky 9th - You're protected); Thurs. 16th - Vijaya Ekadashi ( Victory through creative destruction); Sat 18th - Mahashivaratri (Focus on your essence); Sun. 19th - Amavasya (No moon - new beginning). 

Picture credit : Ashta Lakshmi - Rama19920CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why The Vibes In Your Home Are Important And How To Improve Them. 
You'll know by now that not only are you able to feel the vibes of a person, but also the vibes of objects as well as places. The vibes in your home are particularly important. This is because they can make the difference between a happy, nurturing and prosperous space to something quite the opposite. To improve the vibes, just using a candle with your meditation photo can change the atmosphere. You could also try these Feng Shui tips... 
Ashta Lakshmi - Stoking Your Life Force (Mantra Meditation on Nabhi Chakra).
The more energy and personal power you have, the more things you can do and accomplish. According to yoga, this life force is projected through your stomach or Nabhi chakra and is  represented in Indian iconography as the goddess Lakshmi. She is shown as having eight aspects (Ashta Lakshmi), symbolising the different types of wealth. Evoke your inner Lakshmi with this...
Using Everyday Zen (Nirvichita) To Get What You Want. 
Your awakened kundalini connects you to everything, everywhere all at once. Just because you don't know the answer to something doesn't mean the answer doesn't exist. When you're in Zen, solutions are quickly more forthcoming. You could call it inspiration. But it's more than that. You're developing a muscle by working it. Here's what you need to know...
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Quote of the Week

 ".Your fortress is ‘Nirvicharita (mental silence/ thoughtless awareness). Find out in Nirvicharita.  Whatever you have to do, go into Nirvicharita. Do all worldly things in Nirvicharita, you will see that it becomes dynamic.
You sit in that place from where the whole world blooms. Make a habit of Nirvicharita. All the work of [Nature] happens through that and yours also will happen. ..But you have to operate the inner system yourself.." (translated from Hindi)

January 25th 1975, Mumbai (India).

"Could you please remind me of the best way to make 'curative' water? I've decided to start drinking this regularly instead of ordinary bottled or tap water."
In Reply:

Good move. We already know that being well hydrated is good for us in all sorts of ways, from maintaining energy levels to lubricating and cushioning our joints.

'Curative' or vibrated water is simply water that has been charged with vibes. This allows it to act as a transport mechanism to get the therapeutic effects of vibes within the internal organs and down to the cellular level.

In agricultural experiments with vibrated water we've seen how this can positively impact the quality and yield of crops.

Anecdotally, it's been suggested as a remedy for skin, liver and digestive problems.

The best way to vibrate water is to leave a glass of water standing in front of your meditation photo or hold your hand over a glass of water when you can feel vibes flowing through your hand following meditation.

Here's the illustration.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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