Monday 9 January 2023

Winging It. How Understanding Lunar Cycles Can Help You In 2023.


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 Winging It. How Understanding Lunar Cycles Can Help You In 2023.

Dear Friend,

Nature is cyclical and if you can tap into that and harmonise yourself with it, then you won't be hitting your head against a brick wall of obstruction and difficulty this year.

Instead, by going with the cyclical flow, you'll be able to achieve a lot more in every area of your life with less effort.

This is why understanding the lunar cycle - using a lunar calendar - is paid close attention to in India. 

As part of Indian culture, people don't make any significant decisions like starting a business, buying property or choosing a marriage date, without first consulting a Panchanga / lunar calendar to find the date and time most likely to lead to success.

Shakespeare understood the moon's influence on human enterprise when, using the 'tide' as a metaphor for the moon, he wrote:

"There is a tide in the affairs of man(kind) which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound up in shallows..."

According to Sahaja Yoga, the moon is represented in the human being by your 'ida nadi' (left channel / left sympathetic nervous system) which is the source of your subconscious and emotional life.

This means that the lunar cycle not only has an influence on the course of events but also on human moods and impulses.

The thing that a lot of us have noticed with daily kundalini meditation, is that a harmonisation with the natural cycles or rhythms of life take place automatically.

So, somehow, you happen to be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. But checking the lunar calendar still helps, if only to confirm what you already feel on your vibes. More below. 

Also below: a moon almanac you can get somebody as a gift; and how to nurture your authentic self (your spirit) with a meditation when the world of work is trying to take that away from you.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 10th Jan - Sankashti Chaturthi (Remover of obstacles); Sat. 14th - Krishna Saptami (Lucky 7th - be venturesome). 

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Moon Almanac (on Amazon) - Take A Look Inside. 
If you forgot to get one of your friends a gift for Christmas, you can quickly make up for it by getting them this little book - particularly if they like growing things. The Farmer's Almanac has been in use for a long time but this Moon Almanac is much simpler and, as the title suggests, is focused on the lunar year. Take a quick look inside...
Work Ain't Everything - Holding on To The Real You (A Meditation).
New year and the office grind has started up again for many. Unfortunately, it's very easy to over-identify with the job you do, which means your sense of self-worth is as variable as the latest sales figures. Learn to hold on to your powerful, unchanging essence - your Spirit; and let go of the ephemeral with this short guided meditation... It could open the door to real self-fulfilment.
Winging It. Download The Lunar Calendar For A Flying Start To 2023. 
Download this little pdf lunar calendar 2023 to your phone, so you can take a quick look see for the best day during the week or month to do certain things. According to Shri Mataji, the 7th (saptami) and 9th (navami) lunar days bestow protection, so it's useful to get an especially deep meditation on those days. Experiment with yourself during January and you could be setting yourself up for a flying start to the new year...
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Quote of the Week

 "The reason why we give importance to the moon and keep all our dates according to its position, is that the moon has an influence on human beings. The sun does not. Along with the moon, other planets also have influence on us. That is why we follow the lunar calendar and fix our festivals [In India] accordingly.. The biggest effect that the moon has on us is because our left side [emotional /subconscious] is based on it." 

April 13th 2002, Gurgaon (India).

"There's this one person at work who always seems to be in  bad mood. This rubs off on me whenever I have to interact with them . Is there something I can do to protect myself from 'negative energy'?"
In Reply:

The three things you shouldn't leave home without are: your keys, your phone and a bandhan.

The keys and phone are obvious, but the bandhan is probably not.

The 'bandhan' is also called a 'kavach' in Sanskrit, which means 'protective armour'.

So when you take a bandhan you're putting a 'protective armour' around yourself to shield your aura.

Shield your aura from what?

After you meditate and are in that pleasant state of balance and peacefulness and everything just flows, you want to preserve that state for as long as possible as you go about your busy day. 

This is what the bandhan does. In the case of your work colleague, you could give yourself a 'top-up' bandhan discreetly before your interaction with them.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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