Monday 16 January 2023

Time Lapse. Making Your Morning Creativity Count.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Time Lapse. Making Your Morning Creativity Count.  

Dear Friend,

Last night I was doom-scrolling YouTube video shorts until late. How else, after all, do I get clued up on the safest way to feed crocodiles in Thailand - or was that Indonesia? And I still managed to be awake just after 6am this morning for meditation.

The point is that what you do first thing in the morning can have more importance to what's going on in your life than what you do last thing at night.

According to the philosophy of yoga the most easiest and most effective time to meditate is during Brahma Muhurta (Lit. 'The Creator's Hour'). This is the period beginning 96 minutes before sunrise and lasting for 48 minutes.

So if sunrise is assumed to be at about 6:30am, Brahma Muhurta starts at 4am. It's for this reason that Brahma Muhurta is commonly known as the "4 o'clock meditation".

The good news is that through the rest of January with sunrise times being so late (8am currently in UK), Brahma Muhurta starts after 6am; much more doable than 4am.

So, what do you get out of it? Everything you need to reimagine a better you, a better life and a better world through the power of your meditation. What is sown during 'The Creator's Hour' manifests faster. More below.

Also below:  A movie to go and watch and something to listen to.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 16th January - Navami (lucky 9th - things have a higher chance of working out easily); Wed. 18th - Ekadashi (creative destruction / out with the old, in with the new); Fri. 20th - Shivaratri (your depth is in your essence / happiness lies in being true to yourself).  

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why You Should Go and See Avatar: The Way of Water. 
Yea, it's a long movie (192 min) but for getting totally transported to some place else, it's worth it. Plus, it draws on elements of the age-old knowledge and wisdom of India which is the source of Sahaja yoga. So watch out for references to: the Divine Feminine (God, The Mother/ Adi Shakti); bonds to Nature and the natural world (Kundalini); Water as a metaphor for all-encompassing, benevolent Reality (Paramachaitanya) and the promise of an end to human ageing and illness (Amruta / Vibes). 
Listen To This Guided Meditation To Get You Out of Your Head.
When you're in it you can't change anything. It's only when you come out of it that you can gain the detachment and clarity to make the beneficial change. Here's a short guided meditation to help you deal with any tendency to over-think or worry about stuff. It's a clearance of your Agnya chakra... 
Morning Creativity & Ruling Your World Before Dawn. 
If you want to change something, anything, wake up before dawn because that's when the new day hasn't yet been born and you can give it the shape you want. It's when the vibes are at their strongest and it's very easy to achieve mental silence. With that, creative inspiration comes much more easily and you have a greater sense of being in control. For that authentic practice is required... 
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Quote of the Week

 "It’s important to meditate in the morning.  In your depth lies all the happiness, removal of doubts, joy, bliss, contentment, wealth and fame.

Everything is there in your depth. All those things or obstacles which block or stop you from reaching your depth should be removed by loving yourself, by watching yourself ..." 

November 27th 1991, New Delhi (India).

"I sometimes feel that I'm not as confident as I could be in a social setting. My best friend is the complete opposite. They are bold and not afraid of expressing their views when they need to. I'm the shy one and happy to remain invisible in the background. What can I do to boost my confidence. I know it would help me in my professional life by making me more proactive in seeking out opportunities?"
In Reply:

There are two things you could work on: your centre heart chakra and your vishuddhi chakra.

Your centre heart is the chakra of your feelings of security and protection. If something has happened to you in the past that has affected your sense of safety, then it's likely resulted in a 'catch' (block) on the centre heart chakra.

To clear your centre heart chakra do this breathing exercise:
  1. Take a deep breath and hold for a slow count to 12 with your attention focused at the centre of your chest.
  2. Slowly breath out until you're completely empty.
  3. Hold yourself empty for a slow count to  3.
  4. Repeat the cycle of breathe-hold-empty for three rounds.
  5. When this becomes easier, you can progress and gain additional benefit for your centre heart by saying the single-word mantra 'Jagadamba'  12 times on one breath.

Your vishuddhi chakra is the chakra of your personality. It governs how you interact with others; how you talk, how you laugh, your eyes and your facial expressions.

A 'catch' on the centre heart chakra could also affect the vishuddhi chakra.

To clear your vishuddhi chakra, sing. You need to rediscover yourself by rediscovering your voice. Here are the 10 best websites/apps for free Karaoke songs (2023).  

Finally, this guided meditation helps you to empower all your chakras.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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