Monday 23 January 2023

Reading The Minds Construction On The Face. How To Protect Yourself On Dating Apps.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Reading The Minds Construction On The Face. How To Protect Yourself On Dating Apps. 

Dear Friend,

Almost 14% of online daters marry someone they met online. So while you could meet the love of your life on a dating app, there's still an inherent risk in choosing to go out for drinks with a total stranger. 

The next time you're about to swipe right on a potential match, pause for a moment and study the profile pic.

'There's no art to find the minds construction in the face', it's reported in Shakespeare's Macbeth. But, oh yes there is.

It's not so much in the contours of the face; it's in the vibes you get when looking at it.

You'll know from your own experience of using the meditation photo, how the palms of your hands go cool with the vibes when sitting in front of it.

And how, at the same time, your kundalini begins to rise automatically with an innate recognition of the Truth of the personality before you.

In the same way, when you have the photo of any other personality before you, hold your palms open towards it . Does it go cool? Is it hot ? Do you feel a tingling sensation on particular fingers?

This is the 'tell' ; the giveaway, that will help you associate with the safe and stay away from the shady or negative. More below. 

Also below: sweet dreams are made of this - 5 reasons to keep a dream journal; and, resisting the rise of robots (sort of) by developing your superpowers (sort of) with a chakra meditation.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 24th Jan - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Remover of Obstacles); Fri. 27th - Saptami (Lucky 7th - Be bold!); Sat 28th - Durgashtami ( Set an Intention); Sun. 29th - Navami (Things can work out ).  

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
5 Reasons Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal. 
According to Sahaja Yoga, when you sleep your awareness goes into your left channel, which is the accumulation of your many pasts - the past of this life-time;  your previous life-times and ultimately the collective subconscious. Dream imagery is the language of the many layers of your subconscious. When you keep a dream journal you're bringing the promptings of your subconscious into your waking awareness. Here's 5 reasons this could be useful to you...
You vrs. AI ( Artificial Intelligence) - How To Develop Yourself.
With the recent publicity about the AI Chatbot, ChatGPT, it's probably only a matter of time now before we're completely outsmarted by machines, and have to find something else to do other than work. In anticipation of a hazy future ahead for everyone, you could focus on developing yourself today with this chakra guided meditation, to get one over on the robots after the take-over...
How To Check Somebody's Vibes On Your Hands. 
If you have a photo of the person then great . Even if you don't have a photo but can call the person to mind by thinking about them, you can check their vibes by simply holding your palms open in front of you. If you feel any tingling or heat on any of your fingers , then tally it with this colour-coded guide to get a 'reading' about them. With practice it becomes a form of 'super-intuition' and you don't have to use your hands. It pays to know yourself too so here's some info about self-diagnosing...
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Quote of the Week

 "So the main thing is that you develop your intuition...Whatever is your intuition will come true, because intuition is coming from the Ganas [subtle intelligences/ 'body guards'].
So the left side [subconscious/emotional intelligence] is to be developed in a way for Ganas to be pleased. And once you develop the Ganas with you, nobody can touch you."

July 9th 1988, Le Raincy (France).

"Lately, I've been finding it difficult to get that state of mental peace and silence, because every time I sit down to meditate all my current worries come flooding in . What can I do?"
In Reply:

Deal with your worries first. With the meditation.

That's what Sahaja yoga meditation is for : to beat your life into better shape using the stick of your daily meditative practice.

What you can do:
  1. Get a blank sheet of paper and write down your most pressing worries.
  2. Sit down in front of your meditation photo and raise your kundalini.
  3. Hold your hand a few inches above your head to feel for your kundalini as a cool breeze ( maybe warm initially).
  4. Now, supposing on your sheet of paper you've written down 3 things eg. Finances, Relationship, Health, then take each one in turn, symbolically write it down in your left palm and give it a bandhan.
  5. Once you've done, fold the sheet of paper up and leave in front of your meditation photo .
  6. You can now close your eyes, relax , paying full attention to the sensation of your kundalini above your head.

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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