Monday 28 November 2022

Your Health Is Important. Here's A Unique Way To Look After Yourself.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Health Is Important. Here's A Unique Way To Look After Yourself.

Dear Friend,

If your health regime consists of taking yoga classes, working out in a gym and following a healthy diet, then well done but you may be missing the mind-over-matter  aspect to health.

Do happier people tend to be more healthy on average? There are research studies that suggest this is true.

You'll tend to be happier if mentally and emotionally you're in a good place and things are fine materially. None of which exercise can sort out for you.

The advantage you have with your daily meditation is that your kundalini is the equivalent of a holistic doctor. She knows everything about you.

She deals in root causes only, so every sitting in meditation can be an opportunity for powerful healing. If you let her.

She works best when you are in a quiet receptive mood. So first is the thoughtless awareness state, then being receptive to the downward flow of vibes from the crown of your head.

It is this mechanism that nourishes you mentally, emotionally, materially and ultimately physically. This gives you the all-round health that can't be found in a gym.

As you are, so your life becomes. More below.  

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 28th. Nov - William Blake Birthday; Tue. 29th - Saptami (vibes especially good - things can easily work out); Wed 30th - Durgashtami (good day for setting an intention).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Masala Chai - Warming Yourself Up Inside When It's Cold Outside. 
Sometimes all it takes to lift your mood is a hot cup of tea at the right time. But don't go for any ordinary cup of tea. What you want is some spicy Indian tea - masala chai. What makes masala chai different from ordinary tea is the medicinal herbs that are added to it. This usually includes cloves, cardamom and ginger, which all have internal warming qualities. Here's how you put the ingredients together to make yourself a perfect brew...
Mom-n-Dad & A Big Sweater - Resolving Any Unfinished Business With Your Parents.
Your 'Pingala nadi' (right channel) and your 'Ida nadi' (left channel ) represent your father and mother respectively. With daily meditation, these two channels are cleared of any lingering effects of your mental and emotional upbringing if this was less than ideal. You'll feel better about yourself and you'll feel better about them. Here's a short guided meditation to put a bit of focus on that... 
Your Health Is Important - Drinking Sunlight. 
When your kundalini rises and opens up your sahasrara chakra at the top of your head, the vibes flow down. It flows into the chakra which is key to our individual health, and that is the Nabhi chakra (Solar plexus). From the solar plexus , the vibes radiate out through 16,000 'nadis' (rivers/channels) to every part of your body. And this is how your body can be maintained. More about kundalini effect on physical and mental health...
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Quote of the Week

 "So for a Sahaj Yogi one should know that health is a very important thing ... And you know also when the Kundalini rises the first thing that happens that your health improves because of the parasympathetic fulfillment, because parasympathetic gives you enlightenment which flows into sympathetic [nervous system] and your health improves." 

December 10th 1979, Caxton Hall, London (UK).

"What did Shri Mataji say about Climate Change?"
In Reply:

Shri Mataji didn't specifically talk about 'Climate Change'.

However, back in 1995 she did address a conference on 'ecological problems' at the National Centre of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Nutrition in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Here is a summary of the main points:
  • The Train Has Already Left The Station  - we're past the point of prevention of ecological problems, so we should aim for adaptation.
  • Downsize - cut down on surplus production and over-consumption.
  • Go Rustic - use natural and handmade things rather than machine -produced.
  • Develop Your Immunity - Kundalini-awakening is Mother Nature's way of preservation of the species. [Nature article : What Happened to the Neanderthals? ]
View a 7 minute video excerpt of the talk.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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