Monday 14 November 2022

Press Pause. People, Places & Things.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Press Pause. People, Places & Things.

Dear Friend,

Your super-power is your ability to press pause on your thinking. Because that's how you're able to do more and achieve more than you could with a busy mind.

This includes being able to tune in better to the vibes of a place, of people and of things (Super Intuition). If nothing else, you enjoy them better.

This is particularly true when you travel to somewhere new:

So there we were; standing in the middle of an emporium in Istanbul, Turkey, at lunch-time wondering where to go and eat.

Just then a local boy sidled up to us offering the 'best price' for carpets. He was persistent and not wanting to be impolite we followed him to see the carpets; surely only a few feet from where we were.

But, no. As we followed he lead. And lead, and lead until we were out of the emporium and crossing some back streets. Where was he taking us? Was this a set up?

He's vibes were OK, so we continued and finally arrived at a large, spacious carpet shop to be greeted by the ebullient owner. He treated us like visiting relatives; told us to sit down and asked an assistant to bring us tea and nibbles.

When he could see that we were beginning to relax, only then did he begin to roll out carpets and rugs, extolling the artistry of the design on each.

What could we do? We bought some.

But as we were leaving his shop with some rugs that we may or may not have needed, we asked him about the best place for lunch. He directed us to where the local shopkeepers ate in the emporium.

This turned out to be a revelation. You couldn't call it a restaurant. It was a kitchen with tables and chairs in shouting distance of the cooks. it was noisy with loud conversation and laughter. We felt like we had intruded on a large boisterous family gathering at their meal time.

Then when we were sat down and the food came, it was delicious - the best Turkish cuisine I've ever had! Think less; enjoy more. More below.

Also below: Arabian Nights - music to take you to some place else; and, building your resilience with a mantra. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 15th Nov - Saptami (lucky lunar 7th, extra good vibes for doing things )  ; Thur. 17th - Navami (be bold; you're protected); Sat. 19th - Ekadashi (creative destruction - out with the old, in with the new).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade / Gergiev . Vienna Philharmonic. 
Here is some music to transport you after a hard day at work. Scheherazade, is the Persian heroine of Arabian Nights who, through wisdom and cleverness, becomes a queen. Rimsky-Korsakov is the Russian composer  who channels an Orient of the imagination and paints a sound picture. Valery Gergiev is the Russian conductor(pictured) who, with much arm-waving and sweat, brings it all to life. Enjoy...
Standing Still When Everything Around You Is Moving - A Mantra.
Whenever you feel a loss of control because everything around you seems to be moving, then mentally 'stand still' for a moment. This will help you regain your balance and composure and build your resilience.  The resilence lies in  your root chakra ('mooladhara' - 'root support').  Here is the mantra to strengthen your root...
Press Pause- People, Places & Things. 
Try and look at this scene outside a pizza shop for a minute without thinking. The definition of yoga, according the Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali, is 'Chittah Vritti Nirodha' . Which essentially means pressing pause on a busy mind. With that, when you look at anything, you don't judge it . And by not judging it , you tune into the reality behind it - as with this street scene. More about the power of mental silence...
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Quote of the Week

 "All these thoughts are bombarding from both two sides [dwelling in the past or future] in your mind. These thoughts that are coming to you, have no meaning with you. They do not substantiate you. Yourself you are an ocean. And you have to get into that state of thoughtless awareness [mental silence].

November 3rd 2002, Los Angeles (USA).

"How long do I have to meditate before I start seeing the results?"
In Reply:

It's not the length of time; it's the becoming quiet in your head.

Becoming quiet in your head is not through effort - which is counter-productive - but by effortlessness as a result of the flow of kundalini through your fontanel at the crown of your head.

The better the flow of kundalini , the better your connection to the self-organising principle of Nature ('paramachaitanya').

It's like the difference between having a wi-fi connection and not having one. Without a wi-fi connection, you have no internet. With a wi-fi connections you have access to so many more things.

In the same way, all the amazing results of Sahaja yoga meditation come from your kundalini's connection to the 'paramachaitanya'.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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