Monday 5 December 2022

Make Better Decisions. Using The Smell Test.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Make Better Decisions. Using The Smell Test.

Dear Friend,

When you have to make a decision about something that you don't have all the information on what do you do? 

It could be about where to live; where to work or who you choose to go on a date with.

There's a human tendency to latch on to some piece of irrelevant detail and decide based on that. This is an example of what psychologists call 'confirmation bias' and doesn't always lead to the best outcomes.

Using your power of smell to decide, could work out better. The neighbour's dog seems to have it sussed.

In the dating scenario, science bears this out - check out The Sweaty T-Shirt Experiment.

But you can hardly go around sniffing every time you need to make a decision.

Luckily with your kundalini awakening and daily meditation you develop your 'hamsa chakra'.

And where is your hamsa chakra located? 

If you place your right index finger mid-way between your eyebrows and move it down to the top of your nose, you're pointing at the Olfactory bulb in the brain.

The Olfactory bulb is key to your sense of smell. And, you guessed it, it's the location of your hamsa chakra.

Your hamsa is responsible for your discriminatory awareness, which is what helps wine-tasters and perfumers ply their trade. More on hamsa below.

Also below, enhancing your meditation with oud; and, using turbo-charged affirmations to change stuff. 
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 7th Dec - Full Moon.

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Scent Of Arabia - Getting Some Oud & Bukhoor For Your Home. 
On my many trips to India, I've often stopped over for a day or two in the Gulf, usually Bahrain, to wander the old souks and stock up on wood for burning at home. It's not just any wood. It's agarwood (oud) which is comparable to sandalwood as a burnt incense to add a deeper dimension to your meditative experience by energising your mooladhara chakra. Bukhoor is agarwood chips soaked in fragrant oils. This VisitDubai site tells you more... 
Speak Easy - The Power Of Affirmations.
The human voice is a wonderful instrument for transmitting ideas but what's also great about it is that you can influence change by what you tell yourself using affirmations. With kundalini awakening your affirmations potentially have a greater creative force and should give you a faster effect. Test it out using this meditation with affirmations. As your confidence develops then you can speak more of your reality into being...
Make Better Choices Using - Your Hamsa Chakra. 
The Sanskrit word 'hamsa' means 'swan'. Specifically a swan which when given a mixture of milk and water to drink, is, reputedly, able to somehow filter it with it's beak, drinking just the milk and leaving the water behind. This is what discriminatory awareness is - like choosing between perfumes as in this photo of Shri Mataji in Arab North Africa. And this is what your hamsa chakra gives you. To develop it and look after it, do this...
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Quote of the Week

 " Discretion [discriminatory awareness] means that you... choose the things which are good for you, which are benevolent to you...The discretion of the Ida Nadi [left channel] is intuition. If you develop that discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you develop intuition. And intuition is nothing but is the help of the 'Ganas' [subtle intelligences] which are surrounding you..." 

July 10th 1988, Grafenaschau (Germany).

"I have a job interview next week. Any tips for sailing through?"
In Reply:

A Swiss lawyer friend told me how when they went for an interview with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), they kept their attention in Sahasrara chakra throughout and surprised themselves by the perfect answers they seemed to be channelling.

The interview panel were impressed too and my friend got the job.

You could try the same thing. Also remember to raise your kundalini and put on a bandhan, perhaps in the rest-room, before going into the interview. It will make you feel calmer.
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