Monday 21 November 2022

Getting Your Mojo On. The Things You Can Do When You Stop Trying.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Getting Your Mojo On. The Things You Can Do When You Stop Trying.

Dear Friend,

I used to run lunch-time corporate meditation sessions in the global business consultancy that I worked . And on one occasion somebody came to me after a session and told me that when their kundalini came up for the first time, a vision flashed through their mind.

What was the vision?

It was a vision of fish walking out of the sea wearing crowns on their heads.

The person telling me this was clueless as to what it might mean. But to me it seemed obvious.

Fish walking out of the sea represents the transition of aquatic animals to land mammals and indicates evolution of the species. The crown represents the pinnacle or highest attainment of something.

So if kundalini awakening is your free evolutionary upgrade, you should be able to do something which you couldn't do before. Right?

The first thing you can do is to enter the state of 'thoughtless awareness' which is normally not possible.

As a result 'meditation' is no longer a practice as it is for other people, but rather a state which you can be in at any time or most of the time.

It's on this foundation that you discover your 'mojo' or your magic for doing different things. More below.

Also below: What to do when you're feeling emotionally heavy; and, master yourself and you can master any situation.     

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 22nd Nov - Masik Shivaratri (Tapping into your essence - your spirit); Wed. 23rd - Amavasya (New moon); Sun 27th - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Overcoming obstacles).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
An Owner's Manual For The Body - How To Resolve Your Emotions. 
A simple thing like sitting on the ground and placing your right hand on the ground beside you, can make you feel much better. The ground acts as a 'sink' to suck away the 'static' of your left channel - the side of your emotional life. You're 'earthing' yourself. Here's a short owner's manual showing you how you can look after yourself in other ways...
Becoming Your Own Master - Meditation On Your 'Void'.
Developing a skill at anything requires a lot of dedicated practice. And in some ways requires a mastery of yourself. Once you've achieved self-mastery, it's transferrable to your other endeavours. You can cut to the chase and develop self-mastery by meditating on your void, which is also known as the 'ocean of illusion'. This is what gives you the ability to ride out life's ups and downs  - just like water surfing . Try it here...
Getting Your Mojo On - The Things You Can Do When You Stop Trying. 
The essence of life is vibrations and your kundalini taps you directly into them. And with that there's a lot that you can do without any effort. You can 'feel' other people. You can cure yourself and cure others. You can change the course of things that impact you. And best of all, you don't feel like you're doing anything at all but merely acting as a channel for the vibes. More about your powers...
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Quote of the Week

 "Now you all Sahaja Yogis know what does this mean. You have tremendous knowledge about the Kundalini, which nobody had. You can raise the Kundalini with your fingertips. You can give a bandhan to the sun, to the moon, to everyone around. You can stop the time. You can stop the rain. You can start the rain. You control so many things. Only one important thing is to get rid of your backdated ideas and your egos and conditionings through meditation, that’s all.

May 21st 1988, Barcelona (Spain).

"What can I do about migraine?"
In Reply:

According to Sahaja yoga, the source of migraine is an overactive liver.

The liver can become overactive due to diet, temperament  or occupation.

With diet, it's the overconsumption of 'Rajasic' foods that stimulate and create heat in the body eg. coffee, red meat, fried foods, spicy food.

With temperament, it's if you tend to be futuristic, impatient, irritable.

With occupation, it's any job that involves you thinking a lot, planning, reading a lot and using a computer for extended periods of time. 

So the management of migraine involves reducing the effect of the triggers above.

The way to do this is to by replacing heating foods with cooling foods (see: liver diet); using a footspa when you come home after work; and, being regular with your meditation, which helps keep you centred and balanced.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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