Monday, 5 September 2022

Don't Let Them Pull You Down - How To Rise Above Everything.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Don't Let Them Pull You Down - How To Rise Above Everything.

Dear Friend,

It's been said that your real friends are those who bring out the best in you. Whereas your enemies are those who bring out the worst. So don't let your enemies win.

But, here's the thing: we can sometimes be our own worst enemy.

This can happen to you in 3 ways.

Firstly, when you doubt yourself; are overly pessimistic about things or dwell too much on your past. This is called being left-sided ('tamo guna').

Secondly, when you experience impatience or irritability with others and start thinking that you're surrounded by idiots. This is called being right-sided ( 'rajo guna').

Thirdly, when you're neither left-sided or right-sided but are in the middle and, as a result of self-satisfaction, don't feel any need to grow and develop. This is 'sattva guna'.

So don't let your enemies pull you down. Rise above it all by being 'guna-ateet' (beyond the 3 gunas). More below.

Also below: the benefits of the seated forward bend in yoga; and, a meditation to help you let go of worries and anxiety.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Do This Yoga Pose To Strengthen Your Digestion (Nabhi Chakra). 
In Ayurvedic medicine, the most important internal 'fire' you have is the digestive fire in the stomach, referred to as 'jathar-agni'. Strong jathar-agni leads to good metabolism, improved skin health and a better projection of your energy out into the world. Regular practice of the seated forward bend stimulates your jathar-agni. Here's a step by step guide to doing it properly, especially if you lack the flexibility to do it in one go...
Care Free - Dissolving The Mind (Worries & Anxiety): A Guided Meditation.
When you're feeling great all seems right with the world. Getting your mind to a good place is helped by letting go of the tendency to blame your past or worry about the future. Here's a short guided meditation to help you to do this by 'dissolving' your left and right channels, which represent your past and future, respectively. You'll come out feeling free of care...
Gunateet - Rising Above It. 
As the sun rises above everything, so should your spirit. Being in this state of transcendence is called 'gunateet'  - being beyond the 3 gunas /moods /flavours /attributes of Nature. This is where your kundalini lifts you with daily meditation. There is nothing you need to do. It is effortless. And the rising above it brings these rewards...
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Quote of the Week

 " soon as you transcend these three gunas [flavours/moods/attributes of nature] you become thoughtlessly aware. You have to cross Agnya [chakra]. Once you cross Agnya, these three gunas, absolutely you go into a state where you are gunateet, you are beyond gunas.

So you do not deliberately do anything, but it just works out." 

May 26th 1980, London (England).

"I have an allotment which I want to grow vibrated fruit and vegetable on. How do I go about this? "
In Reply:

The main thing is to vibrate the seeds and then regularly use vibrated water on them as they grow.

To vibrate the seeds, simply leave in front of your meditation photo overnight. 

To obtain vibrated water, leave a glass of water in front the meditation photo (see: How To Make Curative Water At Home), and then pour that into a bigger container of water to vibrate that.

For a detailed description of an agricultural experiment with vibrated water by Dr. Hamid Mehrani-Mylany, see: Solution To Projected Global Food Shortage.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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