Monday, 19 September 2022

Faith in Yourself. Putting in The Inner Work.


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Faith in Yourself. Putting in The Inner Work.

Dear Friend,

Marianne Power may have done you a favour.

If you've never heard of her, she's a journalist who decided to read all the popular self-help books, including The Power of Now , 7Habits of Highly Effective People and The Secret, so that you don't have to.

Reading self-help books can sometimes be the equivalent of holding a jar of pills in your hand but reading the label on the jar over and over, without actually taking the pills, and yet imagining that it's helping you.

Marianne Power spent a year 'taking the pills' to see what would happen.

Sahaja yoga too can easily be a fixation on reading the prescription label . Don't let it.

The difference is that you are the book. You are the reader. And you are yourself the effectiveness of it. So have faith in yourself and do the inner work which is made simple by your kundalini. More below.

Also below: Download free chakra health guide to develop yourself; and getting some inspiration from your muse when you need it.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.
Three Muses photo credit : AfpeachCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Awakening Your Inner Royalty - Download Free 10-Page Chakra Health Guide. 
In this photo are two perfect embodiments of royalty. While the Queen represented worldly royalty, Shri Mataji , who was three years older than the Queen, represented spiritual royalty. But royalty exists in everybody in the form of a sense of dignity and self-respect. This is the quality of your right Nabhi chakra, which is enhanced with your daily kundalini meditation. To develop the qualities of all your chakras use this short guide... 
The 3 Muses - Tapping Your Swadisthana Chakra For Creativity & Inspiration .
We could all use some creative inspiration from time to time. In Greek mythology, the source of inspiration was said to come from the Three Muses. They were the goddesses of literature, science and the arts. In Yoga, the three muses are merged into Shri Saraswati who represents the energy of your swadisthana chakra. So if you need a little creative inspiration or a boost to your problem-solving ability then tap into your swadisthana with this short meditation...
Leap of Faith - You Have It In You Somewhere.
Even just a little regularity with the practice of your kundalini meditation will give you the experience of how things begin to change for the better on the outside even as your kundalini transforms you from within. Group meditation speeds things up. For any aspect of your life that you'd like to see a shift in, the 'remote control' for that exists within you somewhere. You just have to locate it on a chakra, have faith in yourself and then work it like this...
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Quote of the Week

 "If you do not go deep into yourself, you cannot also get the outside thing. So it works hand in hand, as soon as you start building yourself inside, you'll be amazed how things will work out. " 

June 11th 1989, Litchfield (United States).

"I feel I'm always being taken advantage of in certain situations because I find it difficult to say 'No'. Is there a way I can push back without it becoming confrontational?"
In Reply:

You could consider an assertiveness training course - there's a bunch of them here.

From a Sahaja yoga perspective, you need to build up your Vishuddhi and centre Heart chakras. 

A good Vishuddhi chakra helps you become a more effective communicator and generally improves your relationships with others.

A strong centre Heart chakra, establishes your sense of security and boosts your self-worth and self-confidence.

The chakras are improved by this 'Pradesh' technique.

It may well be too that you're just fine as you are and it's more about the other people who feel that they can take advantage.

For that, Shri Mataji's comments about How to Deal with People You Don't Get Along With, might be helpful.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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