Monday 29 August 2022

Tired All The Time? Do This. - How To Cultivate Your Life Energy.


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Tired All The Time? Do This. - How To Cultivate Your Life Energy.

Dear Friend,

What would you do if you had more energy? Most people would probably try more new things and put themselves out there more. More energy means more life.

It's like cash in the bank: the more cash you have, the more things you can spend it on.

On the other hand, being tired most of the time is spending on overdraft. And there seems to be a lot of tiredness about. One the most common reasons people visit their GP is because of TATT ('Tired All The Time'). 

If this is you then check out the possible causes on this NHS webpage.

Beyond any underlying medical reason however, there is something you can do to cultivate and grow your energy.

With your daily kundalini meditation, the vibes flow down through your sahasrara chakra into your nabhi chakra ('solar plexus') to energise you. More below.

Also below: how meditation helped someone kick a drug habit; and, saving yourself from distraction.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
How I Managed To Give Up Drugs With Meditation. 
According to the European Drugs Report 2021, almost 30% of all adults ( aged 16 - 64 years) have used some form of illicit drugs at least once. This represents about 83 million people. The most commonly tried drug is cannabis - used by 47.6 million males and 30.9 million females. Having a drug habit / addiction can seriously mess with your life and is usually very difficult to give up. In this 3-minute interview Diana talks about what led her to overcoming her drug use overnight...
Distracted - Regaining Your Attention, Focus & Purpose.
One of the root causes of stress is feeling you're being pulled in several different directions at the same time. From a sahaja yoga perspective, being distracted in this way is because the mind, heart and attention are not aligned. Your kundalini integrates your personality and brings about an alignment. This helps you regain your attention, focus & purpose. Try with this short meditation...
Circular Flow - Cultivating Your Life Energy 
The circle is the perfect form. In the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi, the circular movement is used a lot. It represents the unending, the limitless. It's for the cultivation of the continuous flow of Qi ('vital universal energy') whose reservoir in the body is Dantian (nabhi chakra). With Sahaja yoga, the same effect is achieved just with the meditation. With this, all your problems are solved like this...
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Quote of the Week

 " that means that [you] have to be in the centre [balanced] and Kundalini should be fixed permanently [at crown of head] with that All-Pervading Power and flow all the time within you.

But apart from physical, mental and emotional life, you have the Spiritual life, which is much more miraculous, which is very blissful and when you understand how this power of Love looks after everything, you are amazed." 

July 2nd 1990, Moscow (Russia).

" I'm looking for a career-change; something that makes me feel happier than my current job. How can I use the meditation to find the right role? "
In Reply:

Try meditating before dawn for 3 days in a row and see what comes to you.

The pre-dawn period beginning one and a half hours before sunrise and lasting for 48 minutes is described in the vedas (ancient Indian spiritual science) as Brahma Muhurta.

That is the best and most effective time for meditation when you're trying to change something. 

Your kundalini more easily opens up a clear channel with Nature's all-pervading energy ('paramachaitanya'), which is the source and seed of whatever you want to do.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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