Monday 15 August 2022

Spirit, Love & Courage - The Importance of Letting Your Heart Lead.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Spirit, Love & Courage - The Importance of Letting Your Heart Lead.

Dear Friend,

Trust in your heart; it's a better guide than your head and is better equipped.

Neera Salve was all heart and was barely seventeen years old when she joined the Indian Independence movement.

The price she paid was to be sent down from medical college in Lahore and to endure electric shocks, standing on an ice block, while in jail.

India got her independence, which is celebrated yearly on Monday 15th August. Neera Salve became known to thousands and thousands as Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga.

While you may not have your own revolutionary battles to fight, your heart has the same potential which just needs calling forth.

So whether your challenges are small or big, try 'thinking' with your heart. Your spirit, love and courage can work out a lot more than your brain ever could.  More below.

Also below: plan a pilgrimage to Greece; and, a guided meditation to clear your triple heart.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why You Should Visit Greece - The Nabhi Chakra of The World. 
We landed at Athens airport in the small hours and managed to find a taxi to Delphi in the mountains, more than 2 hours away. I fell asleep in the back seat but was woken by the tremendous vibes on the steep approach to Delphi. The ancient Greeks called this place Omphalos, the navel (nabhi) of the world. Athens itself  is named after Athena, an incarnation of the primordial Mother. Here's why you should visit Greece as a spiritual pilgrimage...
Spirit, Love & Courage - A Guided Meditation to Clear Your Heart Chakra.
Your heart chakra is so important. It's the seat of your 'authentic self' (your spirit) and the well-spring of love and courage in you. And it's your spirit, love and courage that's the only thing that can make a real difference to anything that you consider worthwhile. Here's a short guided meditation to clear your triple heart and send you galloping through the waves on horseback (sort of )...
Awakening the Deity (Archetype) of Your Heart.
With kundalini awakening all the potentialities (deities/archetypes) on your chakras are awakened, which help you in every way imaginable. Your heart chakra is the most important because it opens out directly into your crown (Sahasrara chakra) connecting you to the self-organising principle of Nature ('paramachaitanya' - what you wish for from your heart, happens). Here's a 2 minute Q&A with Shri Mataji about the deitties...
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Quote of the Week

 "Now, we have to know that love is the solution. But this contagious love is silent love, which does not speak. It flows and acts. It is dynamic. ." 

August 25th 1982, Geneva (Switzerland).

" The meditation makes me feel calm and peaceful but I work in a competitive environment where 'calm and peaceful' won't get me results. How can I merge my go-getting work personality with my spiritual side? "
In Reply:

Imagine yourself as a hybrid car running on both petrol and electric.  The petrol is your go-getting side and the electric is your calm & peaceful side.

At the moment you're getting more mileage with petrol but it's expensive and polluting.

But with a better electric battery (sustained daily meditation improves your chakras, which improves your focus, creativity and dynamism) you'll get similar or better performance and will be able to go fully electric.

Sahaja yoga meditation is a journey into Zen. You start experiencing how your inner state acts on your environment and not the other way round.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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