Monday 1 August 2022

Do It Now - Spiral Time & What It Means For You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Do It Now - Spiral Time & What It Means For You.

Dear Friend,

If, like me, you sometimes decide to do tomorrow what you could just as easily do today, then here's a reminder for both of us why we need to get our skates on.

According to ancient Indian cosmogony, time does not travel in a straight line from past to future, but, instead, travels in a spiral (like the upward movement of your kundalini).

With spiral movement, time can seem to be speeding up in the way that water disappearing down the kitchen sink does.

This speeded up time is reflected in what is currently playing out in so many areas of people's lives - socially, economically, politically. So many things are changing all at once.

If you're into astrology, you'll recognise this as one of the predictions about the new age of Aquarius that we're now in. It's a time of powerful transformations.

In Indian astrology, Aquarius is the Kundalini. More below.

Also below: the benefits of nurturing plant life in your home; and a guided meditation for problem-solving.

[A shout out to the late James Lovelock who, along with US biologist, Lynn Margulis, put forward the Gaia hypothesis which gave rise to the Environmental movement. J.E. Lovelock 26 July 1919 - 26 July 2022]

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Jungle Living - The Health Benefits of Greening Your Living Space. 
Houseplants in your home can improve the vibes, making it easier to meditate. You don't have to go for the full jungle look. It's what plant you choose that matters. In India, for example, most people keep a Tulsi plant ( Holy Basil) in the home, or a Money plant for Vaastu reasons ( ancient Indian spiritual science of architecture & interior design). Here are 5 things houseplants do for you...
Above The Clouds - Using Your Heart & Crown Chakra To Solve Your Problems.
Clouds can block out the sun. They also, metaphorically, prevent you from seeing a clear path through circumstances you may be facing or a situation you may be in. These clouds are your thoughts and worries. Learn how you can get above the clouds to solve your problems by using the connection between your heart chakra (wishes) and your crown chakra(sahasrara / the limitless). Here's the short guided meditation...
Spiral Time & What It Means For You.
The Charles Dickens' quote : "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...", could apply to the present day.  It's the worst of times for many reasons but every dark cloud has a silver lining. And the silver lining in this dark cloud, on a personal level or collective level, is the possibility of overcoming every difficulty through inner transformation. What goes around, comes around in a spiral. Here's what it means for you...
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Quote of the Week

 " It’s so nice to see so many getting the meaning of their life, so many getting rid of their problems and man-made nonsense that they have on their heads.  Also they are capable of giving Realizations to others.  And also if you give vibrations to your agriculture it improves, to animals if you give it improves. Also it solves ecological problems because they become so wise.  We have to worry about the emancipation of human beings as a whole, as a whole because we are one world ." 

April 11th 1991, Press interview, Melbourne (Australia).

" How can I clear the negative energy from where I live? I've been arguing with my partner more frequently; we have a dispute with our neighbour; and, generally, things aren't runnning as smoothly as they were. "
In Reply:

First of all, make your daily meditation your fortress. Use the meditation photo with a candle, because it acts like talisman/amulet and can clear the atmosphere of any negativity.

Once you're alright, you're better able to deal with what's happening from a position of strength.

What you should then do is buy several coconuts and vibrate them by leaving in front of your meditation photo overnight.

Then take the coconuts and place one or two in the corner(s) of your living space, and bury one in your garden. See what happens.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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