Monday 8 August 2022

Bending Spoons By Staring - The Amazing Power of Your Attention.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Bending Spoons By Staring - The Amazing Power of Your Attention.

Dear Friend,

A bent spoon may be of no use to anyone.

But for many years the Israeli-British illusionist and magician, Uri Geller, entertained baffled audiences all over the world by bending spoons simply by staring hard at them.

You may not be able to do this yourself  - in any case Uri Geller was using tricks of illusion  - but with kundalini meditation when you 'stare hard' (focused attention) at something it can act on that thing.

It's as if the vibes carried by your attention create little ripples on the surface of reality that touch and change whatever you're focused on.

Where most people notice it working is when they're worried about something or someone, or have some other personal challenge, and then put this into meditation and notice how things work out in unexpected ways.

So you get results far better than a bent spoon. More below.

Also below: vibrated water is medicine - 5 signs you're not getting enough of even ordinary water; also, how to look after your eyes and perhaps get a sparkle in them. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
5 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water. 
You're at a work meeting but feeling lethargic. Your brain is foggy and all you want to do is put your head down on the table and just sleep. Will an extra cup of coffee wake you up, you wonder. No. What's probably happening is you're suffering one of the effects of dehydration. Here are all the 5 signs to help you know when to drink more water, especially 'vibrated' water...
The Eyes Have It - Clearing Your Front & Back Agnya Chakras.
The eyes are 'windows to the soul'. And, indeed, when your kundalini rises past your agnya chakra(forehead), your pupils dilate and there is a certain 'spark' visible. For the kundalini to cross the agnya you just need to let go of 2 things: ego ( front agnya) and conditionings (back agnya). Take a few moments to put the sparkle in your eyes with this short meditation exercise... 
Remote Healing With The Power of Your Attention.
Have you ever felt somebody thinking about you? Maybe that person suddenly came to your mind for no reason. The fact is that we're all connected in ways that we're not fully aware. With daily kundalini meditation, it becomes much more apparent. Did you know, for example, that by paying attention to a friend who is unwell, you could speed their recovery? Here's how it works... 
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Quote of the Week

 " But you will be amazed, when these powers are properly raised within [you], you get an awareness by which, if you pay attention to anything, it acts, your attention acts. This is what is called as, really, Nirmala Vidya [ Pure Knowledge]...You pay attention to someone you want to know about and you get connected with that person and you know what's the matter with that person [meaning: you know the state of their chakras]. So first of all because the Kundalini spreads in the brain, you get [your] awareness enlightened.." 

May 11th 1981, Caxton Hall, London (England).

" We had dinner in a restaurant last night and this morning I've got a stomach upset. The food itself was fine. Could it be because of the vibes? "
In Reply:

Let me tell you my own experience. I once attended a cultural evening at a High Commission in Mayfair, where drinks and snacks had been laid out for all the guests, prior to the start of the program.

I normally avoid partaking of food  left out on 'display' but, given the salubrious surroundings, I must have forgotten and so ate some of the snacks.

My stomach began to complain straightaway and I knew it was the vibes.

So now, even more so than before, I avoid buffets and discreetly vibrate any restaurant food that I'm served.

The thing to remember is that when someone prepares food that you'll eat, they unknowingly put their vibes into that food. If there's love in the preparation the vibes will be good and the food will help support your nabhi chakra (the chakra of your health, wealth & happiness).

However, if the food is prepared under duress eg. restaurant chef who would rather be elsewhere, then you're eating some of their angst along with the food.

It's a good idea to vibrate any food you eat because then it becomes 'medicine'. To vibrate food just circle your right hand over it clockwise, a few times, so that the vibes flowing through your hand go into it.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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