Monday 30 May 2022

Your 3 Reasons To Grow - How Tapping Into Your Authentic Self Empowers You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your 3 Reasons To Grow - How Tapping Into Your Authentic Self Empowers You.

Dear Friend,

Let your spirit shine.

I once found myself standing in a drama hall in London  for some unrelated matter, while some actors on stage went through their rehearsals.

I only began to pay attention, when the lead actor came off the stage to help themselves to some tea and refreshments, and strike up a conversation with someone. 

What was curious was that even though the actor was engaged in small talk, their body posture and speaking was the same as when they had been delivering their lines on stage a few minutes earlier.

Maybe this actor liked to remain 'in character' so that they could slip straight back into rehearsals after the break.

Equally likely, as sometimes seems to happen with some actors, they spend so much time in their work inhabiting other characters that they lose touch with their natural or authentic self.

This can happen to anyone who plays a 'role' , which is basically you, me and everyone else, because of the learned rules of social interaction.

With kundalini awakening, for the first time you're able to 'break character', spontaneously and identify with your inner essence or spirit ( which is your real authentic self), rather than any role or label. 

This empowers you and provides you with 3 reasons to grow, of which more below.

Also below: a healthy mind in a health body - learning to do the 'surya namaskar'; and resting your mind by listening to a silent count to 21. 
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Surya Namaskar - Building Strength & Flexibility. 
Doing some strength and flexibility training can reward you with increased mental resilience. And you don't need a gym for this. You can just get yourself a yoga mat and learn to do a 'cat stretch'. The proper name for this is 'Surya Namaskar' meaning 'Sun salutation'. It combines press-up type movements for strength, with flexing movements of the spine. This 2 minute video demonstrates how to do it properly...
Boost Your Mood & Creativity With This 5 Min Mind-Rest.
If you don't have a hammock, you could think about getting one. If you don't take short afternoon naps, which have been shown to boost mood and creativity - go ask a Google employee- then sitting up straight and listening to this 21 count to mental silence, will get you to the same place...
How Tapping Into Your Authentic Self Empowers You.
When your kundalini rises, she awakens the light of your spirit (authentic self) in your attention or awareness. This is the meaning of 'enlightenment'. Your daily meditation allows you to tap more and more of this light of your spirit so that the enlightenment grows. With that 3 things happen : You recognise the authentic self in others because we're each part and parcel of each other, and...
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Quote of the Week

 "The insecurity will all go away once the light – the light of your Spirit shines. Let the light shine through and see your beauty and glory and your strength... " 

June 13th 1983, Porchester Hall, London (England).

" Is it possible for me to give kundalini awakening to somebody else? I would like my mum to have it but can't convince her to come to any of the meditation programs"
In Reply:

 The easiest person in the world to give kundalini awakening to should be your own mum because of the deep emotional bond.

You could just ask her to sit with you for 5 minutes in silence, while you internally raise your own kundalini. Ask her if she feels anything.

If she doesn't, slowly draw your right hand up the middle of her back, three times. Then hold your palm over the top of her head for a minute to see whether you can feel the cool breeze of the kundalini.

Many people have got kundalini awakening from just watching and following a video of  Shri Mataji taking an audience through a self-realisation (kundalini awakening) exercise. Here's a short 8 minute self-realisation video, you can forward to friends and family.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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