Monday 9 May 2022

When You Know, You Just Know - Increasing The Power of Your Intuition.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

When You Know, You Just Know - Increasing The Power of Your Intuition.

Dear Friend,

A long time ago I lived in Pimlico for a short while, which was pretty convenient because at the time I worked at a place in Westminster not far from the Houses of Parliament, meaning that I had a very short commute to the office.

I'd usually catch the tube at Victoria station and get off at Westminster, giving me a journey time of less than 30 minutes, door-to-door.

One morning, I looked out the window at the spring sunshine and decided I wouldn't take the tube that day but instead do a power walk to the office. So I headed out, crossing Vauxhall Bridge road, making my way to Victoria street  and then down to Parliament square and then past Westminster tube station.

As I was walking past Westminster station, on the other side of the street, I turned to look, and for some reason there was a large crowd of commuters gathered at the entrance of the station, which appeared to have been shut.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but when I arrived at the office, loads of people, regular users of Westminster station themselves, hadn't yet arrived. BBC breaking news flashed up on screen reporting a major incident at Westminster station. 

I can't remember whether it was a fire or a bomb threat but I did get the feeling that something steered me clear of Westminster station that day.

Listening to the voice of intuition has helped a lot of people in hazardous circumstances - 19 People Who Listened To Their Gut Instinct And It Saved Them.

With daily Sahaja yoga meditation, this 'gut instinct' or intuition seems to be increased because your Kundalini recruits your left channel (of emotions/ emotional intelligence) into your sensing ability. More below.

Also below: shake a leg, shake a leg; the power of dance to lift your spirits and help you deal with stuff you're going through; and picnic basket of goodies - a short meditation to help you enjoy and benefit from the vibes on your chakras.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Dance Cure - 'Thinking' With Your Body To Get You To a Happy Place. 
Move your body more. It could solve something that you've been thinking about. You don't have to be an expert at throwing shapes to make this form of therapy work for you. Just draw the curtains, find a track on Spotify that has a nice rhythmic beat to it and see what your body says in response. Dr. Peter Lovatt is a dancer and psychologist and in this 4 minute group dance routine, he shows you how...
Like a Summer Picnic - Enjoying Vibes on Your Chakras.
There's something deeply nourishing about feeling the vibes on each of your chakras. You can tell how well your Kundalini is working by the level of sensitivity to vibes that you've developed. Each chakra represents a different facet of your being and focusing for a few minutes at a time on each of them can seem as pleasant as a summer picnic. Start with this...
Increasing The Power of Your Intuition - What Happens On Your Left Channel.
You have a left channel ( emotions) and a right channel ( mentality /ego). Since we live in an ego-orientated world, the right channel in most of us has been over-used at the expense of the left channel (emotional intelligence / intuition). Meditation helps you to restore the balance for your own betterment and advantage. This is what happens on your left channel...
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Quote of the Week

 "The whole of Sahaja Yoga, I would say, fifty percent at least out of that, is based on intuition (emotional intelligence). " 

July 10th 1988, Grafenaschau (Germany).

" I'm moving into a new house next week and wanted to know if there's something I can do to create a 'sacred space' for my meditation?"
In Reply:

Yes. If it's not a new build but has had previous occupants, the first thing you need to do is to clear the house of the residual vibes of the people who were living there. 

Any previous sadness, anger, jealousy, unhappiness, health problems, money problems can linger on. Place a small handful of ajwain (carom seeds) on a flat pan ; crush and sprinkle some camphor on the ajwain seeds; warm the pan on a hob until the seeds and camphor begin to burn together and then walk around the house using it as a fumigator.

Decide where your meditation space is going to be - preferably near a window for some natural light and a view of the sky. Use some rose water and cotton buds to clean your meditation photo and place on a clean elevated surface. 

Before beginning your meditation, light a candle and use the lit candle to describe a horse-shoe shape over the photo, 3 times . This preserves the vibrational power of the photo, which helps you to have a deeper meditation experience.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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