Monday 2 May 2022

Why You're Better Than Fitbit - Curing Yourself & Becoming a Master.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

You're Better Than Fitbit - Curing Yourself & Becoming a Master.

Dear Friend,

You probably know someone who seems to always be checking their Fitbit tracker or Apple watch, to see how many steps they've walked; how many calories they've burnt or when their heart rate was at it's highest.

With the rise of wearable tech such as smart watches and sensors, a lot of people have taken an interest in monitoring their health and well-being through data.

This has been described as the Quantified Self movement, which is a cultural phenomenon involving "a collaboration of users and tool makers who share an interest in self knowledge through self-tracking"

If obsessing over tech doesn't float your boat, then that's OK because with your Kundalini  awakening you have the Mother of all Fitbits built into you. Also your self knowledge is real and actionable. You can cure yourself based on what you feel and become a master of it through practice. More below.

Also below :  mastering health diagnostics by becoming a 'finger physician'; and getting into the zone to make things happen.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Finger Physician - Diagnosing Your Health & Wellbeing on Your Hands. 
When you're meditating pay attention to any sensations you feel on  your fingers because they correspond to your different chakras and your kundalini indicates on your hands where you have a 'catch'. A 'catch' is an obstruction to the free flow of vibes, so you can diagnose the state of your health and wellbeing simply by 'listening' to your hands. Picture shows the common causes of 'catches' on right and left hands... 
Twilight Zone - Resolving Your Past & Future (A Mantra Meditation).
The stillness and the possibilities. The past is gone and the future is not here yet, so your most effective time is in the present. Whatever you want to do, do it now ; or at least make a start.  To get you into the zone, use this meditation, which clears your left channel (past/ moon/ emotions) and your right channel (future/ sun/ mental activity), so that your kundalini can establish you in this present moment...
You're Better Than Fitbit - Curing Yourself & Become a Master.
Your health and well-being don't just depend on your physical fitness. Mental and emotional well-being sometimes count for much more. So just monitoring numerical quantities such as heart rate and calorie count, only gets you a fraction of the way to your overall well-being. Your kundalini, by working on your chakras, works on every facet of your being. This is how you assist her and become a master...
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Quote of the Week

 "...the vibrations,.. flowing through your hands. The energy which is running [the] whole universe is flowing through you. " 

February 9th 1975, Mumbai (India).

" A friend of mine practices TM ( Transcendental Meditation). How is it different from Sahaja yoga meditation?"
In Reply:

The practice of TM is based on the use of a 'personal mantra' (paid for) which, apparently, a person has to go on repeating until they get into a 'transcendental' state.

If it's working for your friend then let's not spoil it for them, but between me and you, this is a version of  what is called 'boot strapping'. This is where you try and lift yourself off the ground by grabbing hold of your boot straps(laces) and yanking yourself up.

The boot strapping occurs because it's difficult to 'transcend' the mind while at the same time making use of it by repeating a mantra.

With Sahaja yoga meditation the transcending of the mind (nirvichara samadhi / thoughtless awareness) happens by itself, effortlessly when your kundalini rises.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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