Monday 6 June 2022

Why You Should Never Stop Learning


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You Should Never Stop Learning - Your 16 Parter Starting Mon 6th June.

Dear Friend,

My local Tesco supermarket used to be very busy, with lots of queues, lots of people and lots of chatting and was the beating heart of the neighbourhood where I live.

Everything changed with the pandemic. People disappeared. Shoppers stayed away, preferring to shop online. And familiar faces working at the tills were no longer there; their positions taken by new rows of self-service checkouts.

Software is eating the world. And jobs. According to a report by McKinsey, the global management consultancy, 375 million jobs could be automated out of existence by 2030.

If you never saw the viral video Humans Needs Not Apply, it's  just 15 minutes long, so do check it out.

When humans are surplus to requirements, then be sure you prepared. One way to do this is to acquire the habit of continuous learning.

Most of what's freely available to learn online - especially digital skills, could help you stay relevant in the jobs market, but what's really going to enhance your quality of life is an investment in personal self-development.

This is where a new 16-part Sahaja Yoga course comes in. More info below.

Also below: One of the first six people in the UK to practice Sahaja yoga shares his amazing journey of discovery; and, achieving your mastery and balance in difficult situations.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
An Account Of Amazing Experiences With Sahaja Yoga. 
When I was new to Sahaja yoga, I was standing, chatting with a group of people. All of a sudden I felt a sensation of movement in the centre of my chest and spotted the person opposite me discreetly giving me vibes. It was Pat - the author of this book (on Amazon) - who had sensed I had a centre heart catch and was secretly trying to clear it for me.  Read his book. It could help open the doors of your own perception..
Surfing Over The Rough - A Meditation On Mastering Difficulty.
Practice makes you perfect. When you hit a challenge in life, just ride the rough out if you were surfing. And how do you do that?  It's all in your void (stomach) - also known as 'bhava sagara' meaning 'ocean of illusion'. Think of the situation you're in that you'd like to get out of ; cover your stomach (void) with your right hand; close your eyes and listen to this guided meditation...
Fruit Of Knowledge - 16 Part Sahaja Yoga Course RSVP.
Here's your perfect opportunity to consolidate your knowledge of Sahaja yoga to live a more purposeful life with enhanced abilities. Starting on Monday 6th June and running on Zoom over 15 consecutive Mondays, Sanjeev and Matias will take you through the finer points of the Sahaja meditation experience, feeling vibes , clearing your chakras and much more besides. Don't miss out. Sign up now...
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Quote of the Week

 " ..mere awakening of the Kundalini is not sufficient, that’s just the beginning. .. you have to grow, you have to become. If you cannot grow then you have not achieved what you wanted to be. And you grow very fast with meditation and with understanding about meditation... It’s such a deep knowledge and it is such an all pervading knowledge.... " 

March 29th 1981, Sydney (Australia).

" How do I get rid of a left nabhi chakra catch? My domestic life could be much better than it is. "
In Reply:

Check out this chart that shows the cause of a catch( block) on a chakra and how to cure it : finger physician.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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