Monday 16 May 2022

How To Build Better Relationships - Your Emotions, Subconscious & Conditionings.


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How To Build Better Relationships - Your Emotions, Subconscious & Conditionings.

Dear Friend,

What attachment style do you have ? 

The foundations of the quality of our adult relationships or attachments are laid in childhood, according to Attachment theory, by the kind of relationship we had with our parents ( or 'primary caregivers'). This is what becomes your attachment style.

Of the four different attachment styles, 62% of people tend to fall into the first category. You can find out what your attachment style is by taking this short quiz

According to Sahaja yoga, 'attachment style' is just another way of referencing our childhood conditionings or the subconscious part of our personality.

And while you can build better relationships by understanding yourself better from knowing what your attachment style is, it's far easier to let any subconscious angularities in your personality be gently smoothed away by your kundalini meditation. More about this below.

Also below:  Why you should walk more ; and a guided meditation to heal yourself by healing your parents.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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Little One In The Middle - Healing Yourself By Healing  Your Parents.
The imprints of your childhood make you the person you are today. So sometimes personal change for the better involves revisiting your past. Through daily meditation, your kundalini automatically works out whatever needs to be worked out to make you the person you'd like to be. You can help things along with this short guided meditation to clear your left channel (mom) and your right channel (dad)...
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Quote of the Week

 "We need peace. Human beings have to live in peace. They are beautifully made. They are made with such care. They are delicate beings. They are not to be hurt, they are not to be tortured, they are not to be troubled. Try to be kind to them. If the parents are not kind to the children, if a person does not have his parents in childhood, he is a volcanic personality. You have to be very, very kind to other people and nice to them. Do not create emergencies in their lives. If you create emergencies in their lives you are responsible for their troubles and their diseases. One must realise that human being is the most delicate thing that God has created so far. When you really love human beings as a whole you will realise this. " 

June 29th 1981, Caxton Hall, London (England).

" A friend of mine is going through a hard time at the moment, in their personal life as well as with their job situation. If I give them a bandhan, does it really help much if they don't have kundalini awakening?"
In Reply:

I'm assuming that the 'bandhan' you mean is the one used for problem solving rather than the one used for protection.

The answer is yes because all you're doing is giving them, from a distance, the benefit of your own kundalini connection to that self-organizing principle of Nature, that takes care of the benevolence of everybody, with or without kundalini awakening.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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