Monday 25 April 2022

How You Can Boost Your Genetics Naturally - Health, Resilience & Longevity.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You Can Boost Your Genetics - Health, Resilience & Longevity.

Dear Friend,

You may or may not have heard of Jennifer Doudna. She, along with Emmanuelle Charpentier,  jointly received the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for a gene editing tool called CRISPR.

This allows the 'typos' (genetic defects) in a person's DNA likely to lead to serious illness such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, to be 'edited out'.

What concerns Jennifer Doudna, however, is that the technique could also be used to create 'designer babies' by allowing 'good genes'  eg. for intelligence, athletic ability, beauty, to be inserted into the DNA , giving only those whose parents could afford it, an unfair advantage in life.

Your Kundalini works like CRISPR but holistically and without you ever being aware of it. All you have to do is meditate daily to get the advantage to your health, resilience and longevity.

Plus, she's available to anybody and everybody, cost-free. More below.

Also below: stress less to age less - a quick book preview; and, developing your 'focus muscles' with a short guided meditation.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Book Recommendation - Stress Less, Age Less. 
Regular meditation keeps you fresh for longer because it slows down a biological counter, called 'telomeres', in your DNA which is associated with cellular aging. This is because meditation combats stress, a primary cause of aging (we know this is true because compare the photos of Obama or any other president when they first took office and at the end of office).  This is according to the book, The Telomere Effect, a New York Times bestseller. It's sprinkled with practical tips covering negative thinking, anxiety and depression. Sample read the book here in 10 minutes...
Progressing To The Finish Line - A Guided Meditation In 7 Steps.
Whether you do any form of running or not , you draw on similar inner reserves when you're engaged in any situation where you have an aim or goal but are not sure you can manage it or not. A little focus goes a long way, however. Here's a short guided meditation to develop your focus 'muscles', so that progress and achievement comes much easier to you...
Nature & Nurture - Kundalini Changes Your DNA.
You can't change your fixed hereditary traits like eye-colour, but the environment (pollution), your life-style and diet can affect and change other DNA traits such as risk of a certain illness and life expectancy. Your kundalini works with what you were given (Nature) to make it better (Nurture). Here's what Shri Mataji had to say about it ... 
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Quote of the Week

 " The best part of it is that when Kundalini rises She puts your genes in[to] proper shape. are great. You don't know how great you are; how fantastic you are. " 

August 1st 1995, Bucharest, Polyvalent Hall (Romania).

" I used to be able to feel the vibes on my hands when I meditated but can't feel it so much now. What has happened?"
In Reply:

There are 3 things you can do (altogether) to regain your vibes:

1. Use a  Meditation Photo . The photo captures some of the essence of Shri Mataji and emits vibes. So it's like sitting and meditating with her. It gives a boost to your kundalini and vibes and with that you'll feel much better.

2. Do a foot soak / foot spa regularly, (if not daily). It's probably the best and easiest form of hydrotherapy, especially if you can get some Dead Sea salt to use with it. At the same, it helps clear out your 3 lower chakras : mooladhara, swadisthana and nabhi, which improves and increases the flow of vibes that you feel.

3. Meditate with other Sahaja yogis . Trees grow better in the forest. You'll grow your vibes and your awareness of vibes by regularly sitting in meditation with other people whose kundalini's have also come up. Go to your local meeting more. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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