Tuesday 12 April 2022

What Are Your Chances Of...? (Luck, Coincidences & Improbable Events).


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

What Are Your Chances Of...? (Luck, Coincidences & Improbable Events).

Dear Friend,

When a friend of mine went to interview for a job as a project manager at one of the biggest Insurance companies, Lloyds Shipping, he was surprised that the person interviewing him had a framed photo of Shri Mataji on his desk.  With the discovery of this shared mutual interest, the formal interview quickly turned into an informal friendly chat and he got the job.

If you ever spot a London black taxi with an advert for Sahaj yoga meditation on it's side, then it belongs to Jim, a London cabbie who is a long-term meditator. He was parked at a taxi rank in central London after a particularly tiring day and just wanted to complete his last trip for the day and then go home. Lo and behold, the very next passenger to jump in the back of the cab wanted to be taken, essentially, to where Jim's house was on the other side of town.

Yet another Sahaja yoga meditator needed to make a trip to India but didn't have sufficient funds to cover the cost of flights. The next day a cheque for the exact amount dropped through the letter box. It was a tax rebate from the tax authorities. 

Luck, coincidences and improbable events can happen to anybody. The difference with the ones that occur with Sahaja yoga meditation is that they seem made to order and there's just one too many of them.

There's less to worry about in life when the dice seem to be loaded in your favour because whatever happens you know you're going to come out on top. More below.

Also below: simple things to do to reduce your online carbon foot print; and some quick pressure point therapy on your solar plexus.  

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
10 Ways To Reduce Your Online Carbon Foot Print. 
You may be surprised by the hidden ways we're all contributing to the warming of the planet. Google tells me that I've used about 4GB of my free 15GB storage, mostly in undeleted junk emails, plus forgotten stuff in google docs and photos. That's more energy to keep each additional Google data server cool. And let's not even start about the carbon cost of owning Bitcoin. You can pick your easiest things to do from this list of 10... 
Bright & Beautiful- Meditating On Your Inner Sun (Solar Plexus).
Your energy, your vitality, your personal power are centred around your nabhi chakra (solar plexus), so by meditating on your nabhi chakra you can enhance your personal attributes. The following 9 minute guided meditation makes use of Ayurvedic pressure point therapy which means you should feel the benefits straightaway.
Loading The Dice In Your Favour In The Game Of Life.
The laws of chance and probability are well established and are the basis of discovery and progress in the biological sciences. However, every time you sit and meditate and achieve the state of thoughtless awareness, it could be the equivalent of loading the dice in your favour as far as chance is concerned, because the unexpected becomes more possible than not. Then there's miracles...
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Quote of the Week

 "...you’ll be amazed; because your attention is enlightened now, it just works. You have to desire for it and it works. And so many miraculous things people [sahaja yogis] will tell you; just believe them, that’s all true. Money problems solved, because of Lakshmi Tattwa within [Nabhi chakra]... family problems solved, because you are solved.  It’s so simple as that. We have to solve ourselves and it is solved through the awakening of the Kundalini. " 

March 29th 1981, Sydney (Australia).

"Although I meditate everyday my long-term partner doesn't seem to have a spiritual bone in their body and is just happy to watch. Do they still get some benefit?"
In Reply:

Yes, they do get the benefit. In two ways:

Firstly, daily meditation allows the vibes to flow through you better and better -improving you're wellbeing - which you'll notice as the increased coolness on your hands and above your head. When you're in close proximity to others then they get some of those vibes even though they may not be able to feel it.

Secondly, your kundalini is compassion itself, so if your partner has any problem, you may get the feeling that you've absorbed it into yourself. But on a vibrational level, you're stronger and are more capable of dealing with it, because with your meditation your kundalini 'flushes' you out. Regular footsoaking also helps by allowing you to 'detox' through your feet.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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