Tuesday 15 February 2022

How To Cure Yourself - Being Your Own Doctor (Mostly).


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Cure Yourself - Being Your Own Doctor (Mostly).

Dear Friend,

Your body was designed to neither get sick or grow old. But it happens.

The world's richest person, Jeff Bezos, has quietly invested in  a start-up, Altos Labs and Google has spun out Calico Labs ; both companies with the single aim of cracking the mystery of ageing and illness.

Right race. Wrong venue.

In an ancient Sanskrit hymn to Kundalini ('Lalita Sahasranama') the following descriptions are given:
  • v745 - Jara adhvanta ravi prabha (meaning: She dispels old age just as sunlight dispels darkness).
  • v748 - Roga-Parvata-Dambholih ( meaning : She destroys diseases of mind and body).
So while Jeff Bezos and Google are investing in scientific research, you can invest in yourself. Meditate. 

More below about how to cure yourself by being your own 'doctor' - 'Physician, heal thyself'.

Also below: Rubbing your feet with oil (preferably after a foot soak) and the power of the meditation photo.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Take Care Of Your Feet & Your Feet Will Take Care Of You. 
In Ayurvedic medicine, 'padabhyanga' - the massaging of the feet with oil - is a key therapy and is said to have a rejuvenating effect. It has long been known in Indian and Chinese traditional medicine that the feet are a map of the whole body and that the energy meridians and vital points responsible for the optimum flow of life energy in the body, are mirrored in the feet. A simple and effective practice of self-care then is a massage of your feet, like this...  
Power Of The Photo - Your Left , Right & Centre.
They've been documented accounts of people getting their kundalini awakening or being cured of something  (see: 'Miraculous Mother') simply with a photo similar to this one. In Yoga, the hand poses shown are described as 'abhaya'/right hand & 'varada'/left hand mudras (removing fear and giving a boon to the viewer, respectively). See what effect you get with this guided meditation with photo...
As Cool As Ice: When Your Liver Is The Cure.
Irritability, insomnia, worry and racing thoughts . You might be able to see your GP about difficulty sleeping, but what about the other things? The liver has a big bearing on temperament and an overactive liver can lead to irritability , worry and racing thoughts. So treat your liver. It's looked after by your right swadisthana  chakra which is indicated on the thumb. This is how you can cure yourself...   
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Quote of the Week

"You should be cured by your own powers that is your kundalini which is lying here [tailbone/sacrum]. Which is is going to recharge your batteries[chakras]." 

February 19th 1975, Public Program, Mumbai (India).

"How can I clear my chakras?"
In Reply:

Unless you feel 'catches' (blocked chakras) on your hands when you sit and meditate, the daily kundalini refresh with your meditation should be sufficient to keep your system in good shape.

If , however, you do feel 'catches', then rubbing the affected fingers will help clear the chakra(s) which the finger(s) correspond to.

Also an evening foot soak is an excellent daily detox for helping your chakras if you've had a busy day with a lot of interactions.

A handy quick guide to chakra self-care can be downloaded from here for easy reference: 'My Body; My Temple'.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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