Wednesday 2 February 2022

Developing Your Powers - Personal Growth With A Difference.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Developing Your Powers - Personal Growth With A Difference.

Dear Friend,

From what I've heard, the acting profession can be a tough gig. You come out of acting school and may start off with a bit of theatre. If you're very lucky and land a role in a long-running TV series, then you stick with it because it's the only guarantee of a steady income. Over the years, your real satisfaction comes from your growth and development as an actor.

The corporate world, especially professional services such as law, finance and accountancy , can be similar.  You enter as a graduate trainee; participate on a series of client engagements ; sit professional exams to get certified and if you're lucky, you might make it to partner or VP. Apart from the sizeable pay cheque, over the years, your real satisfaction comes from your growth and development as an actor.

To quote Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players (actors)."

So whatever it is that you do, you're 'player' (in the nicest possible way, of course). 

Nurturing your kundalini awakening through your daily meditation is an act of self-love which frees you from the artificial construct of the world and develops your innate human powers. This is the real growth for which you were born.

And about these powers, more below.

Also below, a morning detox tea you should know about ; and a borrowing from the ancient tradition of yoga.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Magic Tea - Daily Detox To Strengthen Your Digestive System (Nabhi Chakra). 
According to Ayurvedic medicine the key to good health is what is going on in your gut. If your digestive fire ('agni') is weak then their is a build up of 'ama' in the gut which is said to be responsible for a range of ailments, including IBS, bloating and cramps. By drinking a tea made from fennel, cumin and coriandar seeds, a gentle detox is provided to your digestive system that can seem magical in it's effects...
Process Of Elimination (Of Thought) - 'Neti, Neti'.
For thousands of years, on the banks of the river Ganges; in the forests and in the Himalayas, the yogis of India have used the ancient technique of 'Neti, Neti' (meaning: 'Not this, Not this'), to eliminate thoughts from their mind and try and reach ultimate Reality.  You can give it a go here with this guided meditation that helps you to regain control of a busy mind...
Developing Your Powers.
Daily meditation is a sweet labour of love and pays dividends in what you notice begins to happen to you. On each of your chakras you have powers in a potential state. On top of that, your kundalini connects you to the self-organising energy of Nature ('Paramachaitanya') and the laws of chance always seem to be working in your favour. As a result you feel looked after, guided and protected at each moment. It begins with this...
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Quote of the Week

"... please put your hands like this towards me and feel your peace in thoughtless awareness. " 

July 22nd 1993, Public Program, Hamburg (Germany).

" I haven't been meditating regularly for some time and can feel the effect of that. I really want to get back into it because it helped me so much. Does the kundalini energy go back to sleep if it's not being used?"
In Reply:

The kundalini doesn't go back to sleep but becomes less active than it would be if you were meditating daily. And there's definitely the feeling of having lost some advantage.

To get back into your meditation practice, use the meditation photo - which is a powerful source of vibes  - and a candle, by raising your kundalini and holding your palms open towards the photo to see whether you can feel the vibes on your hands.

They key to steady progress is by meditating with others in a group. You can join Sanjeev over zoom on Mondays at 7:30pm by clicking the blue button above.  Alternatively, there's an audio-only  session on Tuesdays and Thursdays and an in-person session in Chelsea on Tuesdays. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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