Tuesday 8 February 2022

Having Faith In Yourself & The Power Of Collective Awareness.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Having Faith In Yourself. And The Power Of Collective Awareness.

Dear Friend,

What an extraordinary achievement by Rafael Nadal in fighting his way back from 2 sets down to win the Australian Open. He clearly had a lot of faith in himself.

But consider all the people that helped get him to that point: his coach, physiotherapist, manager, nutritionist etc. plus the cheering Melbourne spectators.

This illustrates the fact that if you're going to get anywhere, you need support. People need people.

So while having faith in yourself is essential to success, remember to cultivate your network.

In developing your practice of Sahaja yoga, this translates into drawing inspiration from the power of the collective. More about this below.

Also below, a simple - depending on how flexible you are - yoga posture for enhancing your 2 lower chakras; plus, a guided meditation to enhance your oratorical skills.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Butterfly Pose For Mooladhara & Swadisthana Chakras. 
A good mooladhara chakra gives you a feeling of groundedness and stability, which are useful qualities to have at a time when so many things seem to be changing around us. A good swadisthana chakra helps your creativity, focus and problem-solving ability. The butterfly pose helps both chakras . Here's a 2 minute clip of how to do it properly...
Fear Of Public Speaking?  Use This Guided Meditation.
You know the feeling. You're attending a professional seminar or workshop and the facilitator says: " we'll go around the room and could everybody say a little about themselves." As your turn approaches, your hands are sweating and your heart is thumping so hard in your chest , you're sure the person sitting next to you can hear it. Calm down. There are worse situations to be in . Use this guided meditation to work on your vishuddhi chakra...
Power Of Collective Awareness & Deciding Things On Vibes.
While you do make progress by having an individual meditation practice at home, there's a dimension to your potential ability that's more easily cultivated in a collective of other people also practicing Sahaja yoga meditation. This relates to being able to feel people, places and things as vibes on your hands, which is the only sure way to decide on anything, as explained here...   
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Quote of the Week

"You have to have faith in yourself, in your spirit, by experiencing it. It’s something, a dynamic thing that has to happen within you. A tremendous thing." 

August 16th 1982, Caxton Hall, London (England).

"Is it possible to pick up negative energy from other people?"
In Reply:

The answer is yes and no. 

A friend of mine (who meditates) works as a duty solicitor and gets called to police stations at night to interview recently arrested crime suspects in their cells, in order to provide them with legal representation.

Let's just say that some of the characters this friend has encountered are not necessarily one's you'd want to invite to a dinner party. The negative vibes have been such that they've half-seriously, half-jokingly mentioned how they've kept a lemon or some garlic hidden on their person to protect themselves.

So, unless you work as a night-time duty solicitor or something similar, you're unlikely to meet anyone who you could say you pick up 'negative energy' from.

However, in the course of a day mingling with other people - on public transport; at work - it's possible to absorb a little bit of what other people may be feeling (eg. insecurity & dissatisfaction)  and mistake that feeling for your own.

The best way to look after yourself in this case is to use a bandhan before leaving the house and doing a footsoak when you come back.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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