Thursday 7 October 2021

3 Things Worth Achieving By Friday.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 3 Things Worth Achieving By Friday.

Dear Friend,

No matter where you're at emotionally, mentally and materially at this moment, you have the power to shift yourself to a better place by 3 simple acts of daily mindfulness, involving paying attention to your head, your hands and your heart (3Hs).

You can start right now, while reading this.

First the head. Take a deep breath; hold it for a moment and then slowly exhale. Pause for a moment at the end of the exhalation, before repeating this breath cycle two more times. Now focus your attention at a point about 3 inches directly above the centre of your head and pause breathing for a few seconds. Now relax; breathe normally. Again, hold your attention above your head while pausing your breath for a few seconds. Again relax. Repeat a few more times.

Now hold the palms of your hands open while resting them on your lap. Pay close attention to how each hand (palms and fingers) feel - warm, cool, sweaty, heavy, light, tingling, numb? If you feel any discomfort on any particular finger, you can soothe it by gently rubbing it.

Now the heart. Actually what you're paying attention to here is the content of the heart (the wish-fulfilment aspect of the heart): what do you want; what do you wish for? Spend a few moments on this and when there's clarity to what you want or wish for , connect the sensation in your heart to the point 3 inches above your head.

With repeated practice of this technique even over a few days, you should begin to notice a distinct cool sensation on your head, on your hands and in your heart. When you've achieved the coolness on your 3Hs, then know that your kundalini has connected you to the 'paramachaitanya' - which is the self-organizing principle of nature, which looks after you, guides and protects.

The source of all chance events, coincidences and lucky outcomes is this paramachaitanya - more below.

Also below: Curing with Kundalini and a guided meditation to listen to outside.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Curing With Kundalini - A Masterclass.
Why do people get sick? Poor diet? Lack of exercise? Prolonged exposure to harmful substances? These could all be medically diagnosable reasons but there are some reasons that are not diagnosable - except on the chakras. When you're sitting in meditation and feel a tingling on a finger and rub it , your clearing the chakra that finger relates to, thereby curing yourself. Here's a 5 minute masterclass of the knowledge in action.
Sunlight Samadhi - Guided Meditation You Can Use Outside.
Sunlight is a wonderful thing; sit in it for 5 minutes and it can quickly lift your mood. That's why occasionally sitting outside to meditate can reap rewards for your mind and your body. Samadhi is when any background noise gradually fades away from your awareness ; your breathing seems to vanish and for a glorious moment or two you're just 'there'. Try it with this... 
Get Lucky- Connect To The Paramachaitanya.
Being in the right place at the right time. Meeting someone unexpectedly. Arriving somewhere earlier than anticipated. Taking the left turn by mistake instead of the right turn. These are all chance happenings that could happen to anybody. The difference is that when your kundalini has connected you to the source (paramachaitanya) these happenings have positive payoff and seem made just for you...more... 
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Quote of the Week

"So, when this kundalini rises, she elongates our thoughts and we become thoughtlessly aware. We are fully aware but there is not thought. If you want to think, you can think but actually you get divine inspirations. When you are thoughtlessly aware, you are absolutely peaceful within yourself. You watch the whole World like a drama and you are a witness. All your worries disappear. All your problems disappear. You get out of them. As if the divine power takes over." 

October 16th 1994,Sao Paulo (Brazil).

" Could you please give us a little background information about Shri Mataji?"
In Reply:

Sure. Shri Mataji spent time as a child living in Mahatma Ghandhi's ashram. She was later a medical student at Lahore university (located in India before it's partition ) but was sent down or quit before graduation due to her participation in the fight for Indian independence, for which she experienced time in jail.

Both her Father, Sri P.K Salve , a criminal barrister, and her Mother, a mathematics graduate, were also jailed for being part of the Quit India Movement.

It was these experiences that laid the foundation for her life-long mission of collective spiritual freedom, with political freedom or the right to self-determination being the first step. This spiritual mission was facilitated by being able to travel the world as the wife of Sir C.P Srivastava, Secretary-General Emeritus of the United Nations International Maritime Organisation, beginning from his posting to London  in 1972.

Shri Mataji explains that she was born with the knowledge of the kundalini, but kept it a secret until she was able to work out a way of giving the experience of kundalini to other people. This happened on May 5th 1970, following which she directed all her energy and resources to spreading this knowledge, which she said represented the final evolutionary jump in human beings and the key to the survival of humanity in the face of existential risks facing the world.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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