Tuesday 19 October 2021

Resisting The Rise Of Machines - Doing Your Bit .


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 Resisting The Rise Of Machines - Doing Your Bit .

Dear Friend,

How did you spend your time instead when Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went down recently?

Some people reportedly just switched to other social media platforms such as Twitter and TikTok; other people didn't know what to do with themselves. Perhaps their business depended on it.

How ever you were affected, it's clear that all of us are more and more dependent on that little computer in our pocket that allows us to carry the world in the palm of our hand.

For all it's usefulness though, we should be aware that it's through these billions of devices held in the hands of the world's tech-using population, that an artificial intelligence is being created, which is becoming more clever, the more data it is fed (Machine Learning).

Again, useful for helping humanity solve difficult problems but perhaps not so great if your job disappears because a computer can do it better; or you can't get a loan from the bank because the computer says, "No!"; or if you get hit by a self-driving car.

So when computers finally take over because they can do everything better than us, you're going to need some kind of insurance if they 'go rogue' (Facebook's artificial intelligence robots shut down after they start talking to each other in their own language/ July 2017).

That insurance may come from developing your robot-immunity through daily kundalini meditation :o). More below.

Also below: the power of taking basil leaves and breathing under water, figuratively speaking.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Sipping Tea - The Power Of Basil Leaves.
Tulsi or 'Holy Basil' leaf is a herbal health remedy very popular in Ayurvedic medicine. Among the benefits associated with it are that: it's good for digestive health; is anti-inflammatory as well as anti-microbial; it's anti-oxidant; keeps the liver healthy, which can give a good skin complexion; promotes a healthy gut and can clear up stomach problems (source: NDTV Food). Here's how to brew some basil tea.
Guided Meditation For Dealing With Difficulty.
Here's a trick you should try when you feel so overwhelmed by stuff you've got going on, that it feels like you're drowning. First, don't panic. Pause. Take a deep breath. Find some quiet space and do this 'Laya Yoga' meditation.  'Laya' in sanskrit means 'dissolving'. So you're dissolving the issues swirling around in your head into the space above your head: finite into the infinite, to allow Nature's power of benevolence to take over
Resisting The Rise Of Machines - A Warning.
When computers can out-think us , the one advantage we'll have over them is our ability to switch to non-thinking mode ('thoughtless awareness') from kundalini awakening. Shri Mataji had the power to accurately predict the future. Here She is in a 3 minute talk from March 1984, before the web was invented, referencing computer speech recognition, facial recognition and warning about what could happen.
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Quote of the Week

"Love is the most powerful thing human beings have... We have never used it. We have always use hatred to overpower others... There is divine love all over[pervading] the world that's why we are existing . You have to just become one with[it] that's all. it is called 'Ruh' [Arabic word]... But we have not yet felt. But today is now, you have the time to feel it. For that you don’t have to concentrate or do anything, it will just work automatically. Have faith in yourself... This will change the whole world... So, the first state is 'thoughtless awareness' and the second state is what we call as the 'doubtless awareness'. 

April 25th 2001, Public Program - Kundalini Awakening, Istanbul (Turkey).

" I sometimes get upset when I read or watch some news about bad things happening to people somewhere. I know I could avoid such stories but feel a responsibility to be well-informed on matters that could impact on any of us. How do I maintain a healthy detachment about things that I'm powerless to change.
In Reply:

You're not powerless. If you're upset , there'll probably be many others who will be too, and if you look, there'll usually be some channel or forum to direct your 'call for change'. 

If online petitions however, are not your thing and/or you're already donating to your chosen charity, you could double-down on your Sahaja yoga meditation practice. This, ultimately, is what it's all about : bringing positive change.

You can take heart from watching this 2-minute video about how your 'horizontal meditation' begins to contribute to solving global problems.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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