Tuesday 12 October 2021

Pay Attention To Your Liver. Here's Why.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Pay Attention To Your Liver. Here's Why.

Dear Friend,

When the garbage collectors go on strike, it's not a pretty sight. The rubbish piles up; there's a stink and the rats come out to party.

Waste removal (garbage collection) in the human body is overseen by the liver, the second largest organ in the body (after the skin) and is situated below the rib cage on your right side. Your liver is looked after by your swadisthana chakra.

Among the liver's important functions are:
  • Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion

  • Conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is an end product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine)

  • Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances
    (source: Johns Hopkins Medicine)

 These all relate to what we consume. But we 'consume' more than food. We consume experiences - that book you read; that movie you went to see ; that conversation you had or listened.  All of these experiences are 'digested' by your swadisthana chakra.

Your liver/swadisthan is the 'seat' of your attention. What we pay attention to from moment to moment determines mood, happiness and quality of life.

If the attention is allowed to become an unemptied garbage bin, then after a while there's an impact to both mental and physical health. The best way to look after your liver/swadisthan chakra is with a regular footspa described below.

Also below: being kind to your liver by what you eat and a meditation to feed your inner light.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Taking Care Of Your Liver With What You Eat.
If you easily get angry about things; if you find it difficult to 'switch off' or fall asleep at night ; if you worry a lot or overthink things , then chances are that you have an 'overactive' liver . You can treat it by paying attention to what you eat or consume most often. If it tends to be in the left-most column of the picture on the right ,then cut down or eliminate for a week , and replace with cooling foods in the right column and see how you feel. Click on picture to expand...
Eating The Light - A Meditation On Your Spirit.
The carefree and uncomplicated days of childhood, when you could just be you, may seem a distant memory but you can still nurture your essential and authentic self by meditating on your 'atma'(spirit) which resides in your left heart chakra, secretly. For 5 minutes,let the person who you think you are take a backseat, so that the light of your spirit can shine in your awareness and give you the power of authenticity...
Garbage Out - Clearing Your Liver With A Foot Spa.
Remember how you felt after a day at the beach; just standing there and letting the sea water wash over your feet? Your head felt clearer; your body may have felt lighter. If you don't live in Miami or Sydney or some other place where a visit to the beach is a collective daily ritual , you can recreate the experience and benefit at home with a salt-water footspa to 'detox' your liver /swadisthana chakra.
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Quote of the Week

"When you are in 'war' with the[a] problem then you are disturbed. But when you become thoughtlessly aware [mentally silent / in meditation] through Kundalini awakening you see, you witness it. You see it clearly and you also know how to solve the problem because you can see it clearly. You are sensitive in the sense that you record it, like a barometer, and also you know the solution. So it is the state of your being which gives the dynamic force within you, that you can see everything as a witness as well as you can solve the problem. "

October 26th 1987, Public Program, Rome (Italy).

" I'm really excited to be moving into a new flat next week. It's bigger than the flat I'm in at the moment, with lots of natural light. The only thing I'm worried about is the vibes of the new place. I heard that the previous tenants quarrelled a lot and had money problems. Is there some way of 'cleansing' the flat so that I'm not affected by any lingering negativity? "
In Reply:

Invite your friends over for a 'house warming' party. All the loud talking, laughing, music and merry-making should banish any depressive feelings that may be hanging in the flat . Make friends with the neighbours.

However, just in case any negative vibes there are more deep-seated, and are what was actually causing the troubles of the previous tenants, you can do a 'cleanse' with 4 coconuts and your meditation photo of Shri Mataji

Here's how it works:

Buy 4 fresh coconuts . Designate where in the flat will be your 'meditation space' and place your glass, framed meditation photo there. Leave the coconuts in front of the photo for a couple of hours to absorb vibes. Then position each coconut in the 4 corners of the flat ( I'm assuming the flat is not round :o) ). The coconuts should be placed on the ground.

Leave the coconuts there until they either spontaneously crack - a sure sign that's they've 'caught' something - or the water in them dries up. Discard in an outside bin.  Remember too that having a photo of Shri Mataji, permanently sitting somewhere in your living space acts like a kind of lucky, protective talisman - as many people have discovered from personal experience.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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