Tuesday 28 September 2021

About Your Match On That Dating App? First Check The Vibes.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

About Your Match On That Dating App? First Check The Vibes.

Dear Friend,

Yes, you could meet the love of your life on a dating app or you could meet someone who was just expressing their creative side while writing their profile.

Save yourself the waste of time and embarrassment of a dud encounter by first checking their vibes. The vibes don't lie.

And if you don't use dating apps but want to spot and then steer clear of the psychopath in the office, yep, check the vibes.

One of the very useful abilities that you gain from daily kundalini meditation, is the ability to feel the vibes of another person when you pay meditative attention to them. The wonder of it is that you could be sitting in London and the other person could be in New York or Sydney and you'd still be able to feel their vibes.

The only thing then is how do you interpret what you're feeling and then decide based on it? All revealed below. 

Also below: foot massage for overall health; and listening to a chant for your financial independence.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
FootCare - How To Do A 5-Minute Foot Massage.
Don't neglect to look after your feet. They are a map of your whole body and whatever tensions and conditions exist in the body are reflected in your feet. Also the chakras are in the feet and if you have any energy blocks these can be cleared by massaging your feet. The best time to give yourself a foot massage is directly after a footsoak in the evening after a busy day. Coconut or almond oil  are good...
Mantra For Financial Independence.
You've got to start from somewhere. Even if you're not currently spending your free time in a coffee shop writing a future block-buster best-sellar or researching the market for your potentially money-spinning start-up idea, you could get the right vibes flowing now by listening to this Sanskrit chant to help blossom the lotus of wealth (Nabhi chakra) within you and remove any obstacles ...
How To Read The Vibes Of People Better @Work &Play.
Go into meditation. When you can feel your kundalini as a coolness on your head and a coolness on your palms, just let it flow for a moment. Now pay meditative attention to the person whose vibes you want to feel. If you begin to notice a numbness or tingling on any particular finger, compare with this photo which gives a rough guide to what each finger means. Here is the power of your hands...  
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Quote of the Week

" ...you are an instrument most beautifully made. Absolutely so beautifully made that once you discover it you will be amazed as to what you are. The reason is the self-esteem, is not possible because you have not known your ‘Self’... You have not known your own beauty.... I can see that spirit; I see that the path remains. And I know that with little patience I will work it out; the clouds will go away and you will shine in your own beauty. It works out through this awakening of the Kundalini "

September 29th 1980, Public Program, Zurich (Switzerland).

" I do healing work, mostly using reiki. How can I use the kundalini to help with my healing work? "
In Reply:

Real healing has to come from within and not from outside because the root cause to a problem is never apparent; but your mother kundalini knows.

The kundalini has been described as a 'tape recorder' of all your previous lives and who you are today and what ails you could be a carry-over from a previous life.

So for that reason, the Kundalini is her own mistress and cannot be 'used' as such. It would be like trying to teach a mother how to breast-feed her own child.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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