3 Ways You'll Feel Better When You Forgive Someone . Dear Friend,
Letting stuff go -the wrong things someone may have said or done to you - is a form of self-love.
If you hold on to a hurt by someone, then the wound (to yourself) won't heal and could even fester.
It should be easier to forgive friends, family or work colleagues, but sometimes it's not. When you do forgive, however, you'll feel better for it because 1. there won't be anything playing on your mind 2. you'll have turned a negative into a positive 3. you'll have elevated yourself by rising above it.
And why is this important for yoga? Because when you don't forgive, it creates a block or obstacle on your agnya chakra in your forehead, which prevents your kundalini from rising past that point. More about your agnya chakra below.
Also below: Sing yourself better and the how to recharge your emotional battery . Best wishesP. PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down. |