Tuesday 13 July 2021

How To 'Detox' Your Past...With A Lemon!


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To 'Detox' Your Past. With A Lemon!

Dear Friend,

We're each a time-capsule of all the experiences we've had, and it is this that makes us the person we are today.

Good experiences , particularly in childhood, may be fondly remembered but if there were bad experiences, then these tend to leave the bigger mark; usually subconsciously.

Cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT), psychoanalysis and childhood regression therapy are examples of established methods  to help with mental and emotional health, rooted in the subconscious (past).

In Sahaja yoga, your past and subconscious is mirrored in the 'ida nadi' (left channel / moon channel) and with daily meditation, your kundalini slowly clears your left channel to bring about wellness. To speed this up , it's been discovered that sleeping with lemon(s) near where your head is placed on the pillow can help to 'suck out' any negativity 'haunting' you on the left.

If this sounds like a strange use for a food item - traditionally used in India - then remember what garlic is famous for :o).

The 7-night lemon 'detox' ( which includes chillies) is given below. When you try it, keep a dream journal beside your bed. You'll have some interesting and revealing dreams which you can write down.

Also below: hidden help for you when you need it, and how to touch a deeper level of inner silence.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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There's a solution to everything but difficult to see, when all you can see is the problem. The trick is to be open to a change in perspective and a willingness to disown the problem, which is easy to do when you're letting your daily meditation work for you. It's your kundalini that connects you to just the right thing at the right time - the definition of 'Providence'. Here's a 2 minute anecdote to illustrate it.... 
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Quote of the Week

" That is why your spirit should be awakened.[through kundalini awakening]...You will know yourself only when that happens.[..] And when you realize who this "I" is, then it is so astonishing to find that, like a drop in the ocean, we also vanish[ human awareness merges with Reality/Truth ie. Yoga] in the ocean of love. And that ocean, that all pervading power of love (vibrations) gives us everything. All our ambitions are fulfilled, and all our questions are answered. Only these vibrations have the power to do this."

June 27th 1999, Burnaby (Canada).

" I seem to go from one failed relationship to another. Is it my fault that I go for people who treat me bad? "
In Reply:

The answer is no, it's not your fault. The template for this may have been laid at a formative age when you had no control over the circumstances. Don't let that define you; use the 'Matka' treatment below to break the cycle.  
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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