Tuesday 20 July 2021

Why You Need To Be Your Own Boss.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You Need To Be Your Own Boss.

Dear Friend,

Set your spirit free.

In  a joint academic study conducted a few years ago by researchers at the University of Essex, University of Manchester and UCL, a boss at work is less likely to be stressed out than those lower down in the organisation.

Taking orders from somebody you may not particularly like, is clearly not good for the soul.

Whatever your situation, you'll feel much better by taking the time to cultivate your personal autonomy - at home. Which you can do by going inwards in your meditation, focusing on your void, which is your centre of equilibrium and regularly using the affirmation : "I am My Own Master".

The "I" is your spirit, so this inner work frees your spirit, which helps you to be more authentic, more spontaneous, understand yourself better and know what you want. More below. 

Also below: why you should always try and vibrate the food delivered to your house; and tapping the power of the ocean within you.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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There's a tremendous untapped power within you, centred around your stomach. In Sahaja yoga this area is called the 'Void' or 'Bhavasagara' - meaning 'Ocean of illusion'. If life can sometimes feel like tossing about in waves, then regular meditation on your Void is equivalent to building a strong boat to easily ride the waves. The captain of that boat is your spirit ('atma'). Meditate to this...
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Quote of the Week

"...when Kundalini rises, She 'elongates' these[your] thoughts and there is a space created. In Sanskrit, it is called as 'vilamba'[a pause]. So your mind stands at that place where you have  thoughtless awareness...in which Divine works...[She] passes through the fontanel bone area[crown of head] and becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love[Yoga], which is very subtle and you also start becoming your subtler personality [sensitive to vibes]. This is the actualization of baptism, . ..This is the last break-through of your evolution."

June 5th 2000, Berkeley, California (USA).

" I'm not particularly enjoying my job and I'm worried about my finances, so I feel stuck. Any suggestions? "
In Reply:

Consider acquiring a new skill or enhancing an existing one by taking a course* in your free time, and then using it to move into a better paid role, that you're happier about.

Or, if you have a talent or hobby in something, why not turn it into a side-hustle and make some extra income from that. Etsy.com is a good place to start.

Also outer circumstances are usually a reflection of the inner state, and not the other way round . So, work on yourself. This could involve a change of habits such as: sleeping earlier and waking up earlier; daily meditation to invest in your mental wellbeing; following an exercise program and making sure you're eating right.

With the meditation, you'll need to work on: left nabhi , right swadisthan , centre heart and front agnya chakras. See Sahaja Yoga Guide To Looking After Your Chakras.
* Wealth of free/ modestly priced online courses at Coursera.org  
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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