Tuesday, 29 June 2021

How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real.

Dear Friend,

"In the beginning, was the word..." .Your words have a materialising power which you should exercise.

According to the philosophy of yoga, when you speak , when words come out of your mouth, it's called 'vaikhari', which is the 4th and final stage in the production of human speech. The prior 3 stages are: 'para' (nabhi chakra/stomach)- when an idea is formed; 'pashyanti' (anahat chakra/heart) - when the idea may be associated with imagery; 'madhyama' (vishuddhi chakra/throat)- when the impulse to verbalise arises.

This human speech production is an exact replica of the creative urge ('Logos' in Greek philosophy) that is said to be responsible for the calling into existence of the entire cosmos.

With kundalini awakening, your speech at the 'para' stage becomes 'enlightened', which is like drawing water from the same deep well that all material existence has risen from. This is how it is that, in potential, your speaking has creative force.

This is directly relevant to use of mantras in Sahaja yoga but would also apply, for example, if you use affirmations for making yourself the best that you can be or to achieve goals. More below.

Also below: Why it's good to take care of your liver and a guided meditation to enlighten your heart.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Benefits Of Taking Care Of Your Liver.
If you find it difficult to sleep sometimes; if you tend to over-think things or are easily irritated; if you worry a lot or find that you aren't able to settle into a regular meditation routine, then pay attention to your liver - the large organ below your ribcage on your right side. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), there could be a 'stagnation of qi (vital energy)' or 'liver fire' - known in Sahaja yoga as an 'over-active liver' and cured like this...
Lighting Up Your 3 Hearts - A Guided Meditation.
You may have only one physical heart but according to Sahaja Yoga, there are 3 subtle dimensions to it . These are the left , right and centre, representing  transcendence ('atma'/spirit), benevolence and security, respectively. Like blossoming roses that give fragrance, your 'triple-heart' begins to slowly open with daily meditation and it's qualities begin to seep into your personality. Here's a guided meditation just for your heart...
How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real. 
Verbalise more and things could work out. If you have a goal or want to achieve something, why not write it down and then read it out  - aloud. Or make up your own short, easy to remember affirmations . It's also therapy. Speaking, even if speaking to yourself , can release the tension of having something bottled up inside. With regular sahaja yoga meditation, you may be surprised when what you say, begins to materialise..in this way... 
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Quote of the Week

" ...your Kundalini...If you try to understand that She’s the one who loves you the most, because She is your individual Mother. And, if you try to follow Her, you will see that She’s suggesting where is the problem with you [on your chakras], what you have to correct, what you have to do. Because She wants to perfect you. She wants to help you."

October 15th 1979, Caxton Hall, London (UK).

" Why is it that sometimes when I meditate, I can feel my kundalini very strongly on top of my head, and at other times the experience of it is less? "
In Reply:

Your kundalini is like a rope of energy made up of many strands, which don't all rise at once.

The reason they don't all rise at once is because some of the energy of the kundalini is diverted into repairing/ nourishing /healing the particular chakras that might need it, every time you sit down in meditation.

The more strands that rise, the stronger experience you get at sahasrara (crown) chakra; the fewer the strands, the less pronounced the experience.

Both are positive. In the first case, you'll get a deeper meditation; in the second case, your good health is being attended to.     
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier.

Dear Friend,

Whenever you feel that you are in a situation that you have no control over and which stresses you out,  remind yourself that you are better equipped to handle it than you realise.

All problems, to some degree, are really situations we feel we have no control over. The commonest problems most people face, according to Psychology Clinic, include health, work, money and personal problems.

Whatever it is, your kundalini equips you to ride out and resolve these 'situation changes' by simply paying meditative attention to them. More below.

Also below: 3 things to do on the longest day of the year; and how to boost your emotional intelligence using meditation. 

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
3 Things To Do On Summer Solstice.
Summer traditionally begins on the summer solstice, June 21st, the longest day of the year. Unless you're  a druid you probably won't be heading down to Stonehenge at sunrise to do pagan rituals. So, instead, from the comfort of your home, here are 3 other things you can easily do: 1 - wake up early and do Surya Namaskar to salute the sun; 2-catch a livestream of Stonehenge; 3- Admire NASA's 'breathtaking views of the sun' .
Power Your Emotional Intelligence - A Guided Meditation.
It's been said that people with a high EQ (emotional intelligence) tend to be successful because they have great social skills from being able to empathize with others and therefore communicate better. We could all use every advantage we can get, so here's a guided meditation for your left side(emotions) to crank up your EQ...
Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier. 
This is you on the beach at your favourite holiday destination when learning your airline has gone bust. Not all changes can be captured as a happy holiday snap but the effect can be the same if you decide to focus your daily meditation on any change causing you stress. When you develop this power of  'enlightened' focus , it helps not only yourself but can be used for problems on a wider scale, like this... 
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Quote of the Week

" And this is very important today, as you can see, for the emancipation of the world, for the emancipation of human beings. And to give them lovejoy, which is their right! So Sahaja Yoga is: "sahaja" means "saha", born with you. "Saha" is with, "ja" means born. Born with you is this. I should say the right is a very, very, very fundamental right that you get your Realization is "yoga", union with the Divine. This is your right to get it, everybody has this right to get it. And then you will realise what have you got. Before that, you are still on a level which is not subtle."
June 15th 1999, Central Park, New York City (United States).

" I'm reading a book that a friend recommended. Every time I pick the book up , I feel a sudden pinch on my left thumb. What does that mean? "
In Reply:

Never judge a book by it's cover - this applies to a lot of things; instead, judge it on it's vibes, which is what you're feeling on your thumb.

The left thumb corresponds with your left swadisthana chakra (truthful knowledge). The 'pinch' indicates a catch or block of that chakra. The block could relate to the subject matter of the book; the author, or the friend if the book was theirs before they gave it to you.       
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

"May The Force Be With You!" @Work.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

"May The Force Be With You!" ...@Work.

Dear Friend,

You have an unfair advantage that can help you in all sorts of ways but you just need to tune in better.

From my own experience and that of many other people practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation, the awakening of the kundalini and her nurturing and growth through daily sitting, can produce these wonderful and beneficial sudden shifts in what's happening with you, not only personally, but also career and work-wise.

I've heard so many 'being in the right place at the right time ' or serendipitous stories from people. These have usually involved job changes for the better; work promotions; coming into some money, or some other successful turn of events which the person concerned attributed to their daily kundalini meditation.

What it feels like is a force of benevolence looking after you and giving you a nudge in the right direction whenever you need it.

For many people, this is the only encouragement needed to meditate every day - a force of benevolence smooths your way, opens doors, and gets you over hurdles and obstacles. The practical part about using this, below.

Also below, a simple 5-minute exercise that will rid you of negative self-talk; plus, the Mother Earth needs you - what you can do for her.   

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
How To Do A Left Channel Clearance - Free Guide.
Whenever you notice your mind replaying a past incident - perhaps a conversation you had with somebody that put you on a downer - then a simple remedy to restore your balance, is to clear your left channel which is our emotional side. You can do this by finding a quiet place to sit down outside and pressing your right palm on the ground with the left palm on your lap. Here's a 22-page reference guide for clearing your chakras... 
Healing The Planet - What You Can Do.
"The meek shall inherit the Earth".  The energy of your mooladhara chakra (sacral plexus) is symbolised by the eternal child or 'Ganapati'  - the elephant-headed child god in the Indian pantheon.  The Mother of Ganapati is said to be the Mother Earth, which means that every human being has a primal and symbiotic connection with the earth that is only realised when kundalini is awakened. Then this...
"May The Force Be With You!" ...@Work - A Guided Meditation. 
If your work life can sometimes seem like a battle field , then this is how you get the cavalry on your side. With daily meditation your kundalini's connection at the top of your head (crown / sahasrara chakra) with the energy of life and existence ('paramachaitanya') becomes stronger and you feel as if you're being helped in everyway. Here's a meditation for tuning in... 
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Quote of the Week

" So now, in our evolutionary process - which is a living process - we have to just get to this breakthrough. Like these flowers you see, they come from this seed - you take them granted. The same our eyes - we take them for granted - they are micro-cameras. Who does all this? It's all done by this living power of love.. It's the most powerful thing, this love. So the second state when you reach - it is called as "doubtless awareness". Like you sow a seed in the Mother Earth: it sprouts by itself, sahaja - spontaneously. So the seed has got the power to sprout built-in and the Mother Earth has got the power also. In the same way, you too have the built-in power to become the Spirit. But you must have full faith in yourself that all of you can get your realisation. And then you have to grow into it."
August 20th 1991, Moscow (Russia).

" I know everything should be peace and light but there's a person at work that I really don't get along with at all. I'm not the only one; other colleagues of mine also find this person difficult to work with. Would a bandhan work in this situation? "
In Reply:

The effects of having a good meditation in the morning is that the feeling of calm and detachment that you achieve through mental silence (' thoughtless awareness') can extend into the rest of your day.

This allows you to witness things like a spectator and not be affected by things that might bother other people. OK, so that's the 'peace and light' response out of the way :o).

Your next options, if you're meditating daily and can feel vibes on your hands and/or within your body, is intentional forgiving, or a bandhan.

To forgive means just to mentally repeat 'I forgive' a few times when thoughts about this person rise in your mind. You're freeing yourself from the thinking.

The bandhan is useful for when you have to interact with this person in relation to work. When the thoughts about this arise, simply rotate your right hand over your left palm until you feel the left go cool.

In  both cases all you're really trying to is to become detached about the matter by making yourself thoughtless. Once you've done that, then things usually work out in the best way. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.