Tuesday 11 May 2021

Healing Your Finances ...With Meditation.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Healing Your Finances With Meditation.

Dear Friend,

Your health is holistic. This means that your overall wellbeing doesn't just depend on feeling OK physically. It also depends on being mentally and emotionally in a good place at the same time.

Any knock to your mental or emotional wellbeing could eventually show up as some physical ailment. This is the definition of psychosomatic illness.

When people report feeling better or getting cured of a psychosomatic illness through daily sahaja yoga meditation, what the kundalini is doing is re-integrating the disjointed facets (chakras) of a person to bring about 'wholeness' (holistic).

Being stressed about your finances or having money worries, is a mental knock for anybody, but your meditation can work on it for you. Your kundalini enters your Nabhi chakra . Below is a guided meditation to give you a taste.

Also below, the importance of greasing your feet, and personal development without paying for a course.
Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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Healing Your Finances - Mantra Meditation On Your Nabhi Chakra.
In Indian iconography, the goddess of wealth and wellbeing is Shri Lakshmi -  'Lady Luck', who is associated with the Nabhi chakra (stomach) in Sahaja yoga. If your Lakshmi is weak, it will be reflected in what's going on with you on the money front. To strengthen your Lakshmi, certain mantras (sanskrit formulas) have been discovered to be effective. Here they are... 
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Quote of the Week

" The Truth is your Spirit. It is eternal. It is the expression of God within you. Because we have not been able to achieve that in our consciousness, we are disturbed, upset, feel sometimes as if we are ruined people. But Spirit cannot be ruined. It cannot be dried out. It cannot be killed. It resurrects you, fills you up with all the blessings of the Divine. That's the connection you have to get. Any instrument that is made if it is not connected to the mains has no meaning. In the same way you are made so beautifully, so gloriously and delicately. That only thing you have to do is to put it to the mains [Kundalini connection] . And the joy of becoming yourself is fantastic. "

March 16th 1983, Sydney (Australia), Public Program.

" My meditation photo seemed to come alive, literally, when I was meditating with a candle in front of it, but I still felt calm and relaxed. Was I imagining things or has anybody else mentioned that they had a similar experience? "
In Reply:

I could tell you a more extraordinary story about the photo of Shri Mataji, but for the sake of believability, I won't. Suffice to say , the photo seeming to 'come alive' is a common experience that seems to happen according to the level of sincerity with which one approaches Sahaja yoga meditation.

In many ways , the photo is the magic ingredient to a Sahaja yoga meditation. It may sound unsettling to see a photo turn real - it doesn't happen all the time by the way  -but  really all it feels like is seeing your loving grandma giving you a wink of encouragement.

Here are some documented, first-hand accounts of experiences involving Shri Mataji other people have had : Miraculous Mother .

For anyone wishing to experiment with the power of the photo on their meditation experience, there's a selection of meditation photos here. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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