Tuesday 4 May 2021

The Future We Choose - Meditation & Climate Change.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

The Future We Choose.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for being a regular meditator. You may be doing more for the planet than you realise. Every time you raise your vibes by raising your kundalini to meditate, you're helping the environment by improving the vibes of your immediate surroundings.

As you develop yourself in Sahaja Yoga, you'll begin to experience more directly how this is happening. It's not just a nice thought :o).

So, many thousands of individuals in different countries around the world, who are investing a little time each day in their own inner peace and wellness, can have a collective, global effect. We're co-creating the future we choose.

The Future We Choose, is also the title of, perhaps, the most important book on tackling climate change, written by the driving force behind COP21 - The Paris Climate Conference 2015- Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. You can quickly get up to speed with their work below. 

Also below , a guided meditation for thinking less and achieving more, plus why sahasrara is your most powerful chakra. 

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
 Think Less & Achieve More - A Guided Meditation For Problem Solving.
The answer is out there ; you've just got be quiet enough in your head to hear it. The way to do that is to first cool your liver down . Then tune into the most honest and sincerest part of yourself , which is your spirit in your heart. Once you've done that , remain in a state of silent expectancy at the top of your head  and 'listen' for inspiration. Try with this guided meditation.
Why Sahasrara Chakra Is Your Most Powerful Chakra .
Statues of the Buddha usually give prominence to his agnya chakra at centre  of forehead and the 'thousand-petalled lotus' (Sahasrara)  at crown of head, which serves as  a visual representation of the state of Nirvana. When your saharasara opens out, even a little bit during your own meditation, it becomes the gateway to some really deep meditative experiences. Here's why it's so powerful...
The Future We Choose - Global Optimism .
Christiana Figueres was the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Tom Rivett-Carnac is a political lobbyist on climate change and spent two years living as a Buddhist Monk. The power of meditation is mentioned at least once in their book. They also jointly founded this Global Optimism group to educate the public on the key issues. 
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Quote of the Week

"Financial problems also can be solved through Sahaja yoga.Tomorrow I will tell you how all the social problems, family problems, all these problems can be solved, if once you get your self-realisation. Because they are all man-made problems. If all human beings become saintly then all these problems will be solved automatically. But we don't need too many. As many as can come. If they are sincere it can trigger. Now whatever I have said again to be taken as a hypothesis. The only thing you have to have faith in yourself and believe in what I am saying that you all are beautiful people. Also, believe in me that you have done nothing wrong which cannot be dissolved by this power of love. "
September 18th 1990, Public Program,  Fêtes de Thônex, Thônex (Switzerland).

" The Indian music played during the meditation classes was very relaxing and helped me to meditate. Is any of it available on Spotify? "
In Reply:

I'm not sure if the exact same tracks are available on Spotify, but Spotify does have a wide range of musical genres and so may have other albums by the same artists we play.

You could try a search on Spotify for Shiv Kumar Sharma (Santoor) , Hari Prasad Chaurasia (Flute) and Kishori Amonkar (Vocal).

Also I have some tracks in my meditation music folder which you can listen to, by clicking on the 'meditation music' link at the bottom of this newsletter.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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