Tuesday 18 May 2021

"Why Are We Here?" - You & The Universe & Everything In Between.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

"Why Are We Here?" - You & The Universe .

Dear Friend,

On a day in February 1977, when the famous theoretical physicist, Carlo Rovelli, was 21 years old and still busy with student politics at an Italian University, a housewife, Mrs Nirmala Shrivastava (aka Shri Mataji) stood up at a blackboard  in New Delhi, India, to explain to a bunch of journalists how the universe was created.

Among the statements she made,was this one:

"We can say that the process of Creation is an eternal process. Means the seed becomes a tree and the tree becomes a seed, and the seed becomes a tree. It goes on and on — it’s eternal."

This is simple enough to understand. Less easy to understand is the mathematics and terminology of the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity put forward by Carlo Rovelli and two other physicist in 1988. The gist of Loop Quantum Gravity is that the universe continues to expand (cosmic inflation) following it's creation ('big bang') but at some point in the future, will collapse in on itself (quantum gravity) and then the whole process will begin again on repeat (loop) - exactly like a seed growing into a tree and then becoming a seed again ad infinitum.

How is any of this relevant to you?  Because, according to Shri Mataji, the process has a purpose and the purpose is you. Or, more precisely helping you to become all that you can become by fulfilling your evolutionary potential. More about this below.

Also below: a guided meditation to help you overcome social anxiety, and how to make 'curative' water - very useful for skin conditions and stomach ailments.

 Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
A Guided Meditation For Your Return-to-the-Office Anxiety.
You've been told that with lockdown lifted, you'll be returning to the office; and while a part of you welcomes the prospect, another part of you is a little anxious. The reason being that the freedoms that came with working from home  -  being in your PJs, playing music, messing about - are about to be replaced by conformity. Can you manage? Here's some help...
How To Make Your Own 'Curative' Water At Home .
People have been travelling to Lourdes, a small market town in southwestern France since 1858, when a 14 year old girl, Bernadette Soubirous, saw an apparition of the Virgin Mary.  The Lourdes water is famous for a large number of medically-certified cures. From experiments in Sahaja yoga , water that has this quality is simply 'vibrated' water, wich you can make at home like this...
"Why Are We Here?" - You, The Universe & Everything In Between" 
According to positive psychology the key to feeling happy in life , is by having something meaningful you're engaged with that gives you daily purpose. The bigger the purpose , the more sustained your motivation is going to be  and the more opportunity for happiness. Here is the biggest purpose of all - how we all fit in with the universe...  
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Quote of the Week

" The power of love, these vibrations, Shri Adishankaracharya has called them 'saundarya lehari' (saundarya = beauty lehari = wave Waves of divine beauty), these are the very waves that regulate the universal processes. Nobody cared to know of this power or use it. All our political organizations are based on the principles of hate. If they understand our inner power of love, all these wars will stop and wisdom will be restored in the universe. "

March 10th 1979, New Delhi (India), Talking to Sahaja Yogis.

" I've got to the point in my meditation practice where I do experience thoughtless awareness for a few seconds and it's great. Then I start thinking about someone or something and find that I'm daydreaming. How do I overcome that? "
In Reply:

Sahaja yoga meditation is effortless, so there's nothing to overcome. When you've finished daydreaming , go back into thoughtless awareness. Repeat, if this happens again. If you can't get back into mental silence , that's fine; get up: your meditation session is finished.

If you find yourself thinking about the same thing whenever you sit for meditation, it could be your subconscious mind prompting you to attend to something that needs your attention. In that case, give the matter a bandhan to let the Universe solve for you whatever needs solving.
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