Tuesday 2 February 2021

3 Tips For Making Things Happen.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

3 Tips For Making Things Happen.

Dear Friend,

'Carpe Diem'. 'Seize the day', said the Roman poet, Horace. And what better time to seize it than first thing in the morning. If the extended time at home is starting to get to you , rather than feeling limited  or frustrated, wake up a little earlier in the morning and you may discover a newness about the day that feels like another country.

That's the time to re-wire your brain to bring about positive change, using a routine below , successfully used by other people.

Also below, why you shouldn't pay for  kundalini yoga classes, and, the one yoga exercise you should learn to do which, apparently, cures more than 60 common ailments.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Best Things In Life Are Free - Why You Can't Pay For Kundalini Yoga.
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