Monday 15 February 2021

Do This When You Need Inspiration.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Do This When You Need Inspiration.

Dear Friend,

A little inspiration can go a long way whatever your circumstances. But the gentle voice of your muse may be being drowned out when most needed by an over-busy mind .

Some of the most famous inspirational moments in history happened when the person concerned , momentarily gave up thinking about something and went for a walk in the woods or fell asleep or went to have a bath.

Below is a meditative technique you could use to 'hear' your muse's prompting.

Also below: from which direction is your success going to come from? Vastu Shastra has the answer; and do you know anyone who practises Tantric Yoga?

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Vastu Shastra: Facing The Right Direction For Success
When you're sitting at your laptop earning your income, facing the right direction could make a whole lot of difference, according to the ancient Indian knowledge of Vastu Shastra. Apparently , the energy coming at you from the different points on a compass can help or hinder you . Here are 8 tips for getting good vibes, including which direction your pot of gold is buried in.
Rabbit Heaven:  Can Tantric Practices  Lead To Enlightenment?
The British Musuem's recent exhibition Tantra: Enlightenment To Revolution which ran from 24th Sep 2020 - 24th Jan 2021, had anticipated a sell-out attendance but for the lockdown. If you have a friend who missed it , they can either purchase this book (left) on Amazon for $30.36 or discover for free in 10minutes all they'll ever need to know about Tantra.
Do This When You Need Inspiration.
 We all get stuck on something from time to time. It may be a creative project we're finding hard to make progress with or a personal issue we're mentally wrestling with. When this happens, a good strategy for resolving it, is to take a break from thinking about it by diverting the attention to something else. This guided meditation also helps. 
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Quote of the Week

"...everything lies in the collective subconscious. And in the subconscious lies whatever we have been conditioned with. Like now I was born in India so I am an Indian. You are born in Holland so you are Dutch, like that. This is all a conditioning. But actually we are human beings. All human beings smile the same way; cry the same way. So first of all we have to be human beings in the purest sense."

9th October 1987, Public Program, Amsterdam (Holland)..
"I can feel a slight coolness on top of my head when I meditate, but can feel nothing on my hands. What does that mean?
In Reply:

Our hands are part of how we communicate and so are linked to the vishuddhi chakra in the throat. If the vishuddhi chakra has been affected by, for example, smoking or frequent shouting, it could reduce the sensitivity of the hands to vibes. The more you're able to feel on your hands, the easier it is to read your own state of health, based on particular sensations felt on the fingers- see self-diagnosing chakras . To improve your vishuddhi, look after your throat and practice the simple yoga exercise of stretching your hands up above your head, while looking up, and hold the pose for a minute at a time. 

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