Tuesday 9 February 2021

How To Move On From Past Hurt.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Move On From Past Hurt.

Dear Friend,

We carry the imprints of all our past experiences within us, and it shapes the person we are today. Personal growth and flourishing can only happen if we  junk the baggage  - usually in the form of a past hurt -that weighs us down.

How do you do that?  Below is a suggestion that might help.

Also below: about your 'third eye' and Mei Pak, the Malaysian-born actress and entrepreneur, on starting your own online business. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Do We Really Have A Third Eye & What's It For?
In Biology, the so-called 'third eye' is associated with the pineal gland which is situated in the mid-brain at a point in line with the centre of the forehead. Like your normal eyes, the pineal is photosensitive. It produces melatonin which regulates both the reproductive hormones and sleep-wake cycle. In yoga, when your 'third eye' is opened, this is what happens...
The Business Benefits Of Meditating On Your Swadisthana Chakra.
With daily meditation, a lot of people discover how much more creative they become. This is because your kundalini nourishes and opens out your swadisthana chakra which is the source of many hidden talents. If you were thinking of capitalising on that , here's Mei Pak, a successful entrepreneur , on 3 things you need to know.
How To Move On From Past Hurt - Your Agnya Chakra.
 Do you tend to dwell on the positive or negative things that have happened to you? The positive sets you free, but the negative binds you to a situation, which is not what you want. To set yourself free, you need to let go of it . Forgive. When you don't forgive, it blocks your agnya chakra and kundalini can't rise past your forehead. Here's a short guided meditation to clear agnya.
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Quote of the Week
"...so far we do not know the Reality. By reading books you wouldn’t know, by paying money to people and going to various organizations and… you would not know. You have to know yourself which is within you, this power [Kundalini] which awakens you and connects you[Yoga] to this All-pervading power[Paramachaitanya/ universal energy of existence]. Now, this All-pervading power thinks, organizes, balances, looks after you, looks after your family, it looks after kith and kin, looks after the whole atmosphere. Above all, it loves. It is the power of love I’m talking about. That’s the way, once you become empowered by that power of love and compassion I’m sure one day you’ll realize your potentiality, how great you are..."
16th June 1999, New York (USA) - Follow-up to VIP Conference.
"I know the meditation can help but at the moment I'm worried about my job situation, so when I do sit down to meditate, I can't stop thinking. Is there anything I can do?"
In Reply:
Your mind may be busy but thinking a lot actually comes from an over-active liver, which can be helped by cutting down on the amount of coffee you drink, spicy food and red meat. If your diet is not the issue, then place an ice-pack on the liver(see demo) when you meditate. Also Footsoak before bedtime, try and get 8 hours of sleep, wake up a little earlier in the morning when it's much quieter so that you can meditate without the distraction of noise from other people. The positivity that comes flooding into you when you've had a good meditation, has a knock-on effect on whatever situation you're in and things tend to work out in ways you never expected.  

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