Tuesday 26 January 2021

How To Protect Yourself.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Protect Yourself.

Dear Friend,

Fish get wet from swimming in the sea. The environment that we move about in affects us. This is not about pollution , but about a more subtle effect at the level of the vibes, that comes from the spaces that we move in , and the people we interact with. Below, is how not to suck in any feelings, moods and emotions that are not yours.

Also below, some music therapy wrapped in a guided meditation for you; and, have you considered liberating yourself from a cookie-cutter existence and doing something for yourself?

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Soothe, Heal , Relax: A Music Therapy Meditation 
Your body is like a musical instrument , and when you're 'out of tune', it's difficult to feel relaxed and harmonious. Stress of any kind can quickly put you out of tune . But listening to the right music can quickly put you back in tune. Indian classical music is perfect for that. The following guided meditation includes short samples of relaxing music by some of the best Indian classical musicians (right). Put your headphones on, close your eyes,relax..
Now Maybe A Chance To Make A Break For Freedom
The pandemic has caused a lot of soul-searching for many people. If life can be this fragile, shouldn't we aim for something more meaningful in our lives that better defines us as individuals?  According to several surveys, starting up your own thing may be the way to go .....read the story here
How To Raise Your Kundalini & Protect Yourself
 Have you bumped into anyone recently? No? You Have. Every time you've interacted with somebody, your aura has 'bumped' into their's. If they're friends of yours then you may have felt uplifted in some way - the definition of friendship - but random interactions, like mixing colour palettes, may send a swirl of darker shades through your aura , affecting energy, moods , emotions. Protect your aura like this...
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Quote of the Week
"This power of Adi Shakti['Primordial Mother'], which we call 'Paramchaitanya' ['all-pervading energy of existence] is the power that loves you, has complete control of the Nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life. It is with you entirely as if, supposing you fall into a river which is flowing fast and you cannot swim anymore, you cannot use your hands anymore. You start flowing with it and then you realise that flowing with it is a better thing than to try to get out of it. But just flowing with it. Just enjoy it — all the Nature around you. You don’t get drowned. On the contrary, you feel you are elevated and you’re flowing with it and then you understand, “What am I to do about something when it’s done by Paramchaitanya for me?” But, then it should be given to your Kundalini which has worked it out, has put you onto that shore..."
26th June 1994, Cabella (Italy) -

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